"How did we get here?" I asked.

"Ugh, jeez. I'm going need to take pain killers. Can your head be any harder?" Marik grumbled.

"Marik!" I snapped.

Marik faced me and I saw a bruise already starting to form on his forehead. "I have no idea. All I remember is being on Kaiba's blimp then I woke up on the couch. I don't know how we got here. Also, why did I get the couch?" Marik asked, putting his hands on his hips.

"I have no bloody idea! I am just as confused as-" I tried to sit up again but my arm gave out and I almost fell out of the bed.

"Hold on. Let me go get some pain killers," Marik said, seeming to go back to his normal peppy self.

I watched him go and, when he left, I took a deep breath. My body ached in pain but I was still suffering through what I had dreamed about. It had me completely on edge, and it didn't help my heart was still racing a million miles an hour. Luckily, it was just a dream. Though, one question did boggle my mind, even through post thoughts of my dream.

What happened? I can't remember for the life of me on what happened. I remember Melvin having Marik then...nothing.

"You fainted due to the stress of the Shadow Games. That place really took a tole on your mental state and apparently our physical state," a familiar voice spoke. It caused me to suddenly open my eyes and my attention was instantly drawn to the faded sight of Ryou sitting besides me.

"Ryou?" I questioned. This was the first time I had ever seen him like this, all translucent like. I have never allowed his door to be open the same time as mine. It felt strange. I felt as if I could feel Ryou's emotions and I knew his thoughts. We were one in the same right now and I wasn't sure how to feel about that.

Damn it all. That means he is feeling what I am feeling as well. Well, so much for that secret. Not like it was much of a secret anyways.

"What are you doing?" I asked. My voice was quite raspy and I began to feel the dryness of my throat kick in. So, not only does my throat feel like the the Egyptian Desert, but I felt as if I was kicked and beaten all over then laid in a pile of nails, unconscious, for a week.

"I have been making sure you are alright. Just a shame that I can't pick up anything to give to you. However, Marik-"

"What about him?" I grumbled and tried to sit up once again but instantly winced but bared through the pain as I looked at my surroundings. I was indeed in Ryou's apartment. More specifically I was in the master bedroom. I looked at myself and saw I was bandaged on my left arm. This was where most of my pain was coming from. Most likely from when I got myself beat up to help Marik's plan- which failed in the end.

Bloody pain in my ass.

"You must lay down. You are in no shape to do much of anything," Ryou said. When I didn't lay down Ryou sighed."Marik has been the one mostly looking after you. He woke up long before you."

"What happened? How are we here? The last thing I remember was battling Melvin. My life points were really low and-" I growled as my head began to throb. I placed my hand upon my forehead and waited for the pain to die down.

"There is no way Marik would actually care for me. Are you sure he didn't just draw a penis on my face or something?" I asked.

"He didn't draw on you. He actually has been making sure you are alright. He's almost like a nurse," Ryou said and giggled. It caused him to close his eyes and blush slightly, the way Ryou always giggled. It was one of his cute aspects that I used to gain the trust of Yugi and his friends. The innocent Brit. No one would be the wiser.

Book 2: Millennium Love (Thiefshipping)Where stories live. Discover now