Chapter Three ~ Puncture Wounds and Dog Piles

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((A/N: EDIT: I deleted the Armageddon reference since it was really old, outdated, and embarrassing. Check out my DeviantArt for more recent drawings of it (I think I have the tag for DeviantArt in my bio, but I'm too lazy to check XD))

It was just as the three had feared. They were stuck knocking on the door of the SlenderMansion in the rain, in the dead of night, in a shared body they'd come to know as Armageddon.

Sure, they had the rest of the 'pack' with them. Well, they had Zalgo and Lazari right behind them. And with the rain, it was evident that the black-and-red hive-mind of chaos was losing his patience.

In fact, Shadowlurker began thinking to himself. If they didn't meet up with Slenderman soon, Zalgo would lose it. And while normally Zalgo wouldn't harm his minions, the fact that his stress-ball: Dark Link, was part of the fusion, it was highly likely that Zalgo wouldn't hesitate to harm the fused body. As a matter of fact, the impatience that was emanating from the tyrant made his posture and mannerisms look... hostile. The leer in his eyeless-eye sockets ((A/N: Headcanon that Zalgo has eyeless sockets that strongly resemble eyes that he can, in fact, see through. However, they aren't technically eyes. He is a so-called 'an eyeless abomination')) was growing stronger. His posture loomed forwards, and his hands were forming fists. But would Zalgo truly harm it?

Thankfully, the trio wouldn't have to find out, as Slenderman eventually did open the door.

"Ah, Zalgo. I was wondering when you'd arrive. I see you've brought the daughter and the five-eyebrowed-monstrosity with you."

"Cut the crap, Slender!" an autonomous response from Stripes, "You know what we're here for. Just let us in and we'll G.T.F.O."

"I'm bothered by the fact you actually said the acronym instead of saying: 'Get the f*** out'," a telepathic thought-based message from the white to the maroon-haired host.

"I'm not going to swear at anybody, Dark!"

"F*** you, Elle!"

"I'm not the sarcastic butt-head who swears at people!"

"And I'm not a f***ing whining b**** of a pacifist who refuses to dish out worse insults than 'butt-head'!"





"THIS DOESN'T INVOLVE YOU!" two voices yelling simultaneously.

Shadowlurker was the first— the only of the trio to notice the backlash of the infighting. Despite the fact that inter-host fighting was a common (more so than it probably should be) occurrence, when engrossed in bickering, nothing could recapture their attention.

But Shadowlurker — and the other two hosts — knew the unwanted side-effects of having all hosts of the same body fight. And in that split second of all three hosts fighting, the four-armed fusion's knees had given way. Armageddon had collapsed to the ground, with all four arms wrapped around its head. It was as if the twisted creation was in a lot of physical pain.

It was a common side effect of conflict between the hosts. Collapsing in what looked like a mental breakdown— or something like an anxiety attack.

"Erm... Zalgo, is your five-eyebrowed eyesore ... alright?"

Despite how hard Shadowlurker tried to stand Armageddon up, it wouldn't move. The distraction of the other two overpowered him.

"Oh, Armageddon? Don't worry, it does this! Whenever the hosts fight, the shared body collapses, no need to worry!"

"Are you sure?"

"Well this isn't the first time, and it was fine in the past!"

"Alrighty then!"

Unfortunately, Shadowlurker's fears were confirmed. Seeing as the blue-faced proxy couldn't force the body to move, Zalgo kicked the frozen fusion through the door.

Thankfully, the sharp claws leaving shallow lacerations on the stomach of Armageddon brought the argument to an abrupt end.

Unfortunately, it brought the fusion to an end as well.

Sure, everyone had left to sit in the designated meeting room. However, that excluded the dog-pile that consisted of Shadowlurker, Stripes, and Dark Link.

"S***! Why am I the only one who gets claw marks on my stomach?" a deep, robotic voice that was starting to wear on Shadowlurker's ears, "Agh... s*** ... those cuts smart..."

"And that is what you two get! That is what you get! That. Is. What. You. Get!"

"Stop fighting! We need to get this meeting over and done with!" Stripes was trying almost a little too hard to voice her complaints. As if whining was going to get her back home. It wasn't, but it didn't seem to stop her from trying.

They had almost forgotten about actually moving from the dog-pile on the floor to go to the meeting room.

Come in, Team Prehistoria!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt