Chapter One ~ The Elite Three

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Zalgo always had a lust for power.

It wasn't a surprise to anyone who so much as lay eyes on him. The hellishly coloured Naamalgoid always put his true evil personality on display. Analyzing the potential in everything and everyone, all the ways he could exploit it. The way he prowled the area was that of a predator in search of its prey. He was truly a power-hungry animal.

Yet he still kept his pack-of-sorts close to him. The unspeakable force— perhaps fear, that kept them running back to his side.

There was no better way to explain why so many of them had agreed to this new plan.

They did not know why, and they dared not question it. Zalgo had his mind set on taking over the land of the dinosaurs, some sixty-five million years ago, and they weren't about to challenge their master. At least it would be an experience. Yeah, that was it. That was surely what Zalgo had in mind for his minions. A unique experience that would introduce their empire to new reaches! To show the world how powerful the almighty Zalgo really was!

"Earth to Lurky! Come in, Lurky!"

Shadowlurker's trance was broken by the swift movement of a normally sweet and gentle voice, coated with sugar. Well, it was normally sugar, but today it was probably some twisted mixture of salt and sand ((A/N: I don't like sand. It's coarse, rough, irritating, and it gets everywhere)). Stripes, the first-born daughter of Lurky's master, held a completely different perspective on her father and his bizarre reign of terror.

"Are you within half a dozen light-years of our plane of existence yet?"


"Good enough for me!"

The blue-faced proxy was lying, plain and simple. He was often daydreaming about all the different ways his master was being an amazing owner. And the cloaked one still did. To think that the red and black demon was going to send his pack to a time before mankind was a thought to behold. Seeing all sorts of new creatures, being the first to experience so many things! Imagining the dizziness that would sweep over one as their senses became overwhelmed with all the new information as your brain tried to process it all...


Lurky stumbled as Stripes let go of the wrist he didn't realize she had her death grip choking out. Yet it wasn't Stripes dropping him that knocked him back into his senses, but a feeling of sharp pain. The all-too familiar feeling of the edge of an all-too familiar gauntlet forcing itself into his skin through the silky black cloak.


Shadowlurker knew exactly who it was, even if he couldn't recognize the voice, as there was only one creepypasta who swore that much. After all, he was the last one needed to complete The Elite Three.

Ah yes, The Elite Three. A trio pulled together by Zalgo, and the group that shared the responsibility of all being second-in-command. It was a vast, extensive empire. Even though Zalgo was an all-powerful chaos demon, he decided it better to have some of his highest ranked 'Pack' members deal with anything Zalgo deemed unfit for himself.

The Elite Three, as their name suggested, held three members. Of course, Zalgo's first-born — the oldest of two daughters — was one. Stripes' demon abilities gave her the intimidation she needed to scare any who dared stand up to her father back in line. And, being the daughter of the chaos god, she was heir to the throne, and her political power was untelling. Her physical strength was immeasurable, and she hid it with her cute face. Make everyone believe you're some beautiful, yet delicate heavenly angel when you're truly the devil's daughter and the battle's half won. It was easy to underestimate her, she was terrifying, and she had political power.

Next in line: the one who had hit Shadowlurker upside the head. None other than the right-hand-man of Zalgo: Dark Link. Out of everyone classed as a 'creepypasta' (save for Zalgo and Slenderman), he single-handedly held the highest kill count — higher than the rest of them combined —. There were even rumours that his garden was approaching the size of Zalgo's, although they were never confirmed. It made perfect sense why Zalgo had chosen him, he was dangerous. Not to mention the fact he was part of technology, and his coding was the puppetmaster. No matter what, he would always be totally loyal to whomever held the darkest, more corrupted and cruel heart. And nobody matched the villainy of Zalgo. When Dark Link dared go against his master and free his trapped brother, the smallest of The Elite Three had suffered brutal punishment. Yet the snowy-haired elf was still loyal to the man who had mistreated the only one he loved. Ever loyal, and dangerous.

And, of course, there was Shadowlurker. He was stealthy, able to sneak into virtually everywhere. A building was locked? He was already inside. Staring into a mirror? He didn't have a reflection until it was too late. Vanishing into seemingly thin air with no trace, and leaving nothing but a cacophony of silence that left victims confused and terrified. His sly killing methods left neither evidence nor body. Loyalty beyond that of both daughter and rogue game, he was a mysterious cryptid. While both horned Zalgoid and red-eyed elf would give their lives to serve their master, Shadowlurker would give the rest of existence. His loyalty was beyond compare.

But to the others in the pack, they were the least pleasant individuals in the empire. Stripes was just a happy-go-lucky devil with a powerful punch and short temper, Dark Link was an indecent jerkwad who swore far too often, and then there was Shadowlurker. The obsessive Zalgo fanboy who might as well have started a cult for his master.

Yet Lord Zalgo had chosen them. If Zalgo thought they were valuable assets to him, they must be! After all, Master Zalgo was always right...


This time, it was a slightly more familiar object colliding with his head: the bottom of Dark Link's boot. Unlike the last time the angry elf hit him, this hit knocked the blue-faced proxy to the ground.


A breath of air was ripped out of Shadowlurker's chest as this time, the heel of the same boot was forced into his back, rubbing his spine side-to-side uncomfortably.


Still, he remained zoned out. After all, he was suffering for his master! He was proving that no matter how hard he was hit, his mind would always go back to Zalgo. That nothing could break his loyalty to his owner, no matter who did what. He would suffer for Zalgo... he would die for Zalgo.

Especially when the pin and the shouting escalated to sadistic, violent kicking and colourful swearing, as if Shadowlurker had done something that offended his roommate personally. But in reality, it was just Dark Link using this as an excuse to beat the snot out of Shadowlurker. Still, the cloaked proxy remained zoned out, ever loyal to his master. Even Stripes started shouting, but he didn't stir.

What were they even there for?


That time, it wasn't Shadowlurker's name, but his attacker. And as the violence stopped, so did the trance. But it wasn't the one with flickering red eyes backing off and dipping his head in submission that awoke the proxy. It was the shout, that familiar voice Shadowlurker had become addicted to.

His master's voice.

Zalgo's voice.


"I-I'm sorry Master! I-I can assure you th-that i-it won't happen again!"


The snarl was immediately calmed with a sharp strike to the side of the elf's face, and Shadowlurker was granted the time to climb to his feet.

"Well, are you three ready for enough information to make your ears bleed?"


Come in, Team Prehistoria!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum