I never did find out. I nodded my head.

"It was his family that sent those men. Back then, purebreds that ran in your family were considered as enemies to like everyone. They killed them but PD-nim got rid of the killers."

I was about to fall asleep but tried to stay awake.

"What did they do to you guys?" I leaned my head on Yoongi's shoulder.

"They tortured us because we were gonna cause some death of someone important. We still don't know who's." I could tell that Jin was lying even when I was halfway asleep.

"Stop lying."

"Like you did?"

"Hey. At least I told in the end."

"But we had figured out first. You weren't going to tell us."

"Namjoon. Don't say that. We don't have to argue right now."

"No No No. Continue. Tell me that I'm stupid for not knowing what to do."

"Jungkook, I didn't say that."

"You're implying it."

"God... Look. You tell us you trust us and can talk to us but then you self harm. I'm just getting sick of you lying to us about being fine when you aren't."

"What? Am I psychotic if I don't talk about my problems? And stop assuming things about me. Like if you know I'm not fine, then why don't you ask me how I am? Why do you all ignore it?!"

"You never let us answer. You're always so closed off which makes us all way to worried cause what if you leave the next minute?!"

"Yeah like you care! You guys probably think I belong in a hospital or something. It's not like anyone cares anyways! Even if I die, you guys would just act as if I wasn't here in the first place by the next day! I don't fucking talk about any of my problems cause I know that no one can fix them!"

"Well how would we know your problems if you don't share them?"


All I saw was a stupid smirk on each of their faces.

"Why are you guys smirking?"


"You gu-" I was cut off with a kiss from Yoongi. I stayed still.

Stupid habits.

I tried to break out of that habit of staying still during a kiss and slowly kissed him back. I could feel him smile into the kiss and he wrapped his hands around my waist.

I had gone blank but when I came back into the moment it didn't feel right to kiss him anymore.

Like before...

I pulled away abruptly, while he had a smirk on his face.

I felt like crying but I don't need them to worry.

When Yoongi tried hugging me, I flinched which I never did with them before. He just sat there and stared at me with concern filled eyes.

"Jungkook. I'm not gonna do anything."

"That's what they all said..."

"Those people are dead by now. Trust me."

"How would you know?"

"Cause I killed them." I hugged Yoongi as tightly as I could.

But how would he know who it was all those years ago?

Fucking liars.

He gave me kisses all along my head and my neck. I didn't want to fall asleep but him combing my hair soothingly made it 10x more difficult.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes and tried to sit up. But Yoongi pulled me back close to him.

"What are you doing?" I said quietly.

"Go to sleep. You've been up for hours straight and it's a long car ride where we're going." I whined but sleep took over my system.

I snuggled into Yoongi's shirt and I let myself fall asleep.

But I thought we were gonna go home.


I'm pretty sure they wanted me to fall asleep so they could take me to some place.

And I hate this place almost as much as I hate myself.

Cause this is the building where I was raped. Well technically it was behind it.

Never Be The Same { JJK X BTS }Where stories live. Discover now