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For the day you become more Confident...
Confidence is everything. It might not seem like anything. And to give someone confidence. That's hard. It's like someone telling someone to go somewhere. But, not telling them the roads they should take. But, that's just the thing. You can't tell them the exact highway or 'turn left' or 'turn right directions. Because usually when you're driving you want to take the easiest and fastest way to get there. And with confidence the easiest thing that you could ever do is just hitch hike. Walk the distance. So, when your going to your destination, you'll get desperate and start to run. That's when you know you have confidence. You still take all the energy you have left and somehow make it appear out of thin air. But, you made it appear. But, you have to work for it. Just like that saying about trust..."The best way you figure out if someone can be trusted, is if you trust them". So, in a way trust is confidence. You have to try it, to feel it. To experience some kind of pride in your hard work. And trust me taking pride in our daily work ethic is hard. So, dip your foot in the puddle of water because at one point that puddle will seem like a whole ocean.
To Be Continued....

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