A new me

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Ali's POV

I woke up and looked at my phone. 6:13 am. Perfect timing.

I hopped in the shower and washed my hair and body. As soon as I finished, I got out and wrapped a fluffy towel around my body. My golden hair was wrapped up in a smaller towel.

I looked in my closet. Picking out a Tiffany blue dress, sparkled heels, and a diamond necklace, I got dressed.

Picking up my iPhone, I changed my original case to a diamond&co from Tiffany&co case.

I grabbed my new backpack and filled my books in the bag. I grabbed my phone and rushed downstairs. Grabbing a protein bar, I rushed to my car. Driving to school, I sung along to the radio.

I found a close parking spot and got out.

There was a gush of wind as I walked, so my hair flew back. Everyone stopped. I just kept walking.

Walking to my locker, I heard wolf whistles and other inappropriate sounds. They've never done this to me before. It's 'cause I've changed everything.

I was doing my combo when someone squeezed my butt. Gasping, I turned around ready to rip off someone's balls.

But when I turned around, my breath hitched. There was Taylor and Cam slapping my butt in the middle of the hallway.

"So you're the new girl, huh?" Taylor asked." Um no actually I've been here since the beginning of high school. It's my 4th and final year here." I replied, a sudden burst of confidence, surging through my body." Then why are you at Alison's locker?" Cam asked confused.

"Maybe because I am Alison." I said with a wink then walked off to first period.

Bullied by MagconTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon