My worst nightmare

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Ali's POV

I walked through the school doors. I was in my senior year, about halfway through. While walking over to my locker I got out my small phone. I didn't have an iphone because who cares enough for me to have fun? My dad despises me and I barely have a mom anymore. She's probably drunk out of her mind to even begin thinking about me. I rolled my eyes as I called her mom.

I was getting my history book out of my locker when I felt two large hands on my waist.I gasped and turned around. It was Taylor, the head of my bullying. Cameron was with him. They both gave me a sly smirk and led me to the bathroom. Cameron locked the door and called someone on his phone.

"Hey. Yeah we got her. We're in the boys bathroom across from the science hall. No. Stand outside and guard. Send in Matthew and hmm how about we give Carpenter to show us how to punch someone for real." He laughed while smiling."Ok by Carter."

He turned towards me and smiled again. I looked around, scared because him, Taylor, and Matt were the strongest. Then we heard a flush. Cam locked eyes with Taylor."DUDE!! HOW COULD YOU HAVE NOT CHECKED?!!" He whisper/yelled. I laughed a bit.

"You think that's funny?" Taylor questioned while smiling at Cam." I guess he'll just have to stay for the show."

Then the boy walked out of the stall. Great, I thought sarcasticly to myself. It was some puny little freshman. He quivered a bit as Cameron walked up to him." You're staying here till we're done with her." He stated. The boy just nodded and sat in a corner." Good boy." Tay said."He's not a dog." I said while rolling my eyes.

"I see we're going to have to start early then." Then Cam punched me right in the face. My nose started to bleed. Tay hit my gut 3 times before kicking my legs so that i would fall over. I heard a knock. They dropped me so that gave me time to rest." Perfect timing." Tay said to the boys.

Matt&Aaron walked in. Matt kicked my stomach as he walked over me." Sorry i tripped over you." He snickered." Okay Carpenter, show us what you got." Cam said after locking the door. Matt and Tay held me up against the wall, while Cam watched.

Aaron walked up to me and stared me down. Feeling self-concious about myself suddenly, I tried to cover up. He punched me everywhere you could think of.

Then i hit the ground and passed out.

Everything was black.

Sorry if this is short!! i have to go to a graduation party!!! And my laptop stopped working for a bit and idkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. wowwww arent i bored<-- look at my great editing skillz. i cant even spel corectly today. Whatevs


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