Chapter 60 - Olivia

Start from the beginning

"Hi, munch," I grin up at my lady who's come to watch the rehearsal. I stand up to give her a kiss and have her sit next to me on the piano bench after she greets my bandmates. "How's it going?" She rests her hand on my shoulder. "It's fine, it's not a difficult arrangement," I smile. "Can I stay and listen?"

"Always!" I kiss her quickly on the cheek and Julia counts it off.

"Beautiful! They're going to love it!" Abby gushes, clapping her hands together. "It's going to be so beautiful when they both walk down to that song, oh my god!" She sniffles.

"Ha! Wait til you hear their song for their first dance!!!" Julia teased.

I can't even get through their first dance song without shedding some tears and Jon and Lee aren't even here, I can't begin to imagine the blubbering mess I'm going to be when they are! Abby's a pool of tears as well, "baaaaaabe!" She whined burying her face in my chest. "It's good right? God! I hate that I'm making myself cry!" I chuckle.

"Abigail! Let's go!!! Everyone is literally waiting on you!!" I shout for my girlfriend, typical Abby she's still getting last minute touch ups. "ABIGAIL!!! I SWEAR TO GO-," it's like all the air gets sucker punched out of me the moment I see her running towards me and the front door, she's absolutely stunning in a sexy red dress. "I'M HERE! I'M COMING!!" She runs past me, right out the front door leaving me in the dust, my jaw on the floor. "ARE YOU COMING?" She giggles, holding the car door open for me.

"Gorgeous is an understatement for how you look tonight, babe," I tell her before jumping into the car next to her.

"Are you going to be ok tonight, honey?" Marc asks from the front seat of the car taking us all to the rehearsal dinner. "I will be," I smile but it doesn't seem convincing enough for the Ricci's because all three of them share a look. "My parents and I agreed to put everything aside for Lee and Jon's wedding. If it's one thing we're all good at, it's sweeping shit under the rug and pretending like everything is just peachy," I give them a more convincing smile.

It's not a lie, my family will 100% pretend like we haven't spent the last three or four months in a state of ice cold shoulders. We'll pretend, even if just for the weekend that we're all on good terms — we might even forget that we're even in this situation at all if we do a really good job! It's shameful but we all know Lee's wedding is more important.

It's freezing out and none of us are dressed for below zero weather but there really isn't evening wear appropriate for this weather, it's the day before New Year's Eve in New York City and everyone is buzzing with excitement and anticipation of this wedding and the new year to come!

"BABE! SNOW!!!" I gasped looking out the car window. "It's going to be the most perfect wedding ever, I can feel it! Just from the way the snow is falling! I can tell!" I look out the window at the perfectly falling snowflakes falling out of the sky — it's like magic! The snowflakes are so big! The air is crisp but not painfully cold and the snow isn't slush or's actual fluffy snow. I breathe in the air once I get out of the car, looking up at the sky and the tall buildings scaling above me. The sun is setting to my right and Abby is standing perfectly in front of the glow of the setting sun. "Bud! There you are!" Lee shouts from the front door of the restaurant pulling me away from my moment with the snow.

"Hey! Yeah, we just got here, sorry...someone to—," I start blissfully explaining to my older brother why I was later than expected to his rehearsal dinner when I see the look of panic all over his face. "What's wrong?!"

"The band is fucking snowed in and they don't know when they'll get here!" Lee looks so stressed, all the color is practically draining from his face.

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