Chapter 3 - Olivia

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It's been nine months since I ran off to London...then the rest of Europe; since I ended our engagement. After I left LA it's like I wasn't myself anymore, I was a completely different person. I changed my hair, my look, everything so I was unrecognizable in Europe. I needed to be someone else, I needed to rediscover who I was without Lucas and without the media watching my every move. I didn't plan on being gone for three months but I loved every minute of not being Olivia Riviera all the damn time.

I went a little overboard while I was away, I'll admit, I was continuing the pattern of irresponsibility because all I did was party. I don't even like going to clubs and parties to drink and do drugs but because it was so out of character it was exciting in every possible way. I drank until I blacked out, I smoked pot every chance I got, and I had sex with anyone I thought was hot as fuck.

Lucas was my first, I stayed faithful to him for those 10 years we were together. Sleeping with other people fulfilled me ways I never knew I needed. While I was in Paris though, that's where I met Esmee. I never labeled my sexuality, even when I was dating Lucas and I was never closed off to just one gender, so being with Esmeé wasn't out of this world or out of character. Race, age, sex...didn't matter. I had three months of one night stands, I was finally a normal 20 something year old.

Esmeé and I met at a cafe, of course. I was trying to order something off the menu but the waiter said they were out, except the couple next to me were just given a hot plate of it. Esmeé stepped in and got me my order.

"You look familiar," she said with her French accent.

"Oh I'm American I get that a lot," I lied.

"Thanks for helping with the waiter...let me take care of your lunch," I insisted.

"No, no. It's fine. How about you just let me join you?" asked Esmeé.

We flirted the entire lunch. She asked me if I wanted to go on a walk with her and we walked up and down the streets for hours. We took the metro to a couple of Esmeé's favorite spots "to think" because when she asked me what I was doing in Paris, I simply said "thinking."

"It's almost dark, do you mind indulging me and going to see the Eiffel tower lights? Come on! It may be a regular thing for you but we don't get that kind of stuff in LA." I pleaded.

There we were laying on the grass in front of the Eiffel tower, watching the lights flicker. I hadn't felt that at relaxed and more myself since leaving LA.

"Thank you for accompanying me today, Esmeé. I went on this trip to be alone and to do some thinking but I didn't realize how much I would miss the company," I said.

Esmeé rolled over and pressed her soft lips onto mine, "je t'en prie, Olivia."

I invited Esmeé to my hotel room since it was only a few blocks away, "only reason I booked this hotel is because of the view" I said as I walked over to open the curtains. As I reached from the floral curtains I felt Esmeé's soft arms wrapping around my waist. She placed a gentle kiss on my shoulder and asked: "is this okay?" I inhaled deeply and turned around and held her beautiful face in my hands, she had the greenest eyes and soft blonde hair.

"I leave for the states tomorrow..." I whispered as I kissed her lips.

"Just for tonight then," Esmeé said before sliding her tongue across my lips.

Esmeé's kisses were so passionate, her tongue wrestling mine. Esmeé's lips made their way down my neck, in between my breasts and down my stomach sucking more and more the lower she got. I arched my back as she squeezed my breast with one hand and unbuttoned my jeans with the other.

She pulled down my pants and cupped my warm, moist panties. She kissed me but harder, this time and slid her hands into my panties causing me to moan deeply into the kiss. Slowly she slid one finger in and out. Then two fingers. I moved her hand deeper into me and moaned, "faster" as I pulled her closer to me. "Viens pour moi" Esmeé panted into my ear. "I'm coming" I say as I grind harder and faster on Esmeé's hand. "Don't stop," I begged. I allow myself to unravel into Esmee, she holds herself up until I finish before I wrap my legs around her laughing and say "you better not be done!"

After we finish, she looks onto the hotel nightstand, grabs the six-inch bong I had sitting there and lights up and says, "when you came, that's when I recognized who you are..."

She passes the bong to me, "oh yeah? Who?" I ask.

Esmeé grabs her phone, and I panic. She starts playing one of my songs. We laugh and tell her she's right about who I am. I ask her why she recognized me when I came after spending the entire day with me, she said, "it just hit me."

After an almost three-month long sex-crazed, drug and alcohol filled binge I decided I needed to go back to being Olivia Riviera. 

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