Chapter 32 - Olivia

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"I was thinking of having my house redone, like completely remodeled. Not everything but a few things. I need to it. He practically built that house with me and now that we aren't together I want to make it more me," I say as we hike up a hill.

Abby swings our interlocked hands up and down, "I think that'd be cool! What would you have redone?"

"I have a few ideas, I'd like to open up downstairs more with those full length, wall to wall sliding doors, I want to turn the guest house into a gym instead of the spare garage, that way you have a spot to park, I'd change my office space into something else, and a few other things..." I say like it's no big deal to be doing this much renovation to my home.

"That's...a lot, babe. When are you planning to start this renovation?"

"Yeah, I figure the time we're in New Orleans would be perfect because we won't be there to have to deal with construction...oh the bathrooms too! I want to change the bathrooms and the yard, maybe some landscaping! I talked to Ellen's contractor and designer and they're willing to get started by end of the month" I say excitedly.

"End of the month? Wow! Are you and Angie going to stay there until we all leave for New Orleans?"

"Mmmm she'll probably stay at Jeff's if it's unbearably loud, I guess and I might just stay with my parents?"

"Why don't you move in with me while the house is being done?" she says seriously.

"Move in with you? Me and the dogs? Are you sure?"

"Yeah! We practically live together already, we have stuff at each other's houses and we already know what it's like kind of living together from when we were on tour. Are you not ready to move in with me? Did I jump the gun?"

"No, no! I just...are we really doing this? Are we really moving in together? We're gonna be a couple that lives together now. What about when the house is done?"

"Yes! I don't see why not? This is the next step in any serious relationship! And when your house is done? Maybe I move in with you? Your house is bigger and I've always loved your house. Is that okay?"

"That's perfect," I pull her close to me as we reach the top of the hill. I kiss my girlfriend everywhere! All over her face! Abby squealed and laughed! She pokes me in the stomach so I release her, not before she smacks me hard on the ass, so hard I swear there's an Abby sized hand print on it and the tiny brunette runs!

"OW! What the...! ABBY!!!" I shout and start to chase after her. I catch up to her and grab her waist and hoist her up and her contagious laugh escapes her perfect lips.

"Ahhhh! Liv!!" she laughs.

I gently put her down and kiss her cheek with a loud smack as we start making our way back down the hill.

"Carry me!" Abby says as she tries to climb up my back.

"Ohmygod, munch! No! Get outta here! I'm not carrying you back to the hotel. You can walk!" I protest because hell no, she's tiny but I'm not about to carry the girl.

"Baby.....pleaaaseee....." she whined. "No." I start walking away.

After a few paces I hear footsteps running up behind me, "if you carry me, when we get back to the hotel I'll-" and Abby whispered that she would do with me during "magic time" back at the hotel and I swear I blushed so hard but also felt my belly tense up.

"Ugggghhhhhhhh fine!!!" I agree because if Abby keeps her word, I'm in for an afternoon delight.

The tiny girl jumps on my back and I piggyback the girl all the way down the hill laughing the entire way down because where my hands were placed behind my back to keep Abby leveled was one of her many ticklish spots so really, who was the real winner in this?

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