Chapter 35 - Abby

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"Hey, Abby!! How are you? This city is amazing, isn't it?" Matt says overly excited.

"'s great. How was your flight?" I ask unenthusiastically. Needless to say, I didn't necessarily want to spend my weekend with Matt especially since last time I met with him he tried to make a pass at me. *flashback to us at the coffee maker when he put his hand on my shoulder and rubbed my cheek*

"I didn't realize that it would be this hot and humid here, Wow! Anyways, Calvin gave me a list of a few things we can do this weekend, we just have to let him know ahead of time so he can let his paparazzi guy know where to find us."

"Oh, okay. Let's have a look," I say looking for a place to sit in Matt's hotel room. I didn't want to sit on the bed because I didn't want to insinuate anything so I sit at the little table by the window, perfect because then he can sit in the chair across from me. Not next to me.

Matt walks over and shows me the list on his phone. They were all pretty normal, decent, not absurd "date" ideas; workout classes, a swamp tour, brunch, visit on set, a movie, local bar, and shopping. UGH! I don't want to do any of these things, not with Matt. I want to do these things with Liv and only Liv.

"Sounds good, which do you want to do?" I ask the perfectly groomed male model sitting in front of me.

"I like anything that'll let me see around the city. So, maybe not a movie?" he says and his eyes find its way to my neck and I quickly realize the hickey Liv left for me and I turn my head to try and block the purple mark on my neck.

"Okay, well I was going to go work out right now, there's a class that Liv and I have been taking while we're here. It's TRX you wanna go?"

"Oh yeah, definitely!"

We go to the workout class where I Instagram the two of us working out because we didn't allow enough time for Calvin's photog to find us.

I wonder what Liv is doing the entire time I'm with Matt. I wonder if her anxiety is okay and if she's handling all the stress well. I wonder if she's making friends or if everyone hates her. Ugh! I miss her so much!!

"That was a great workout! brunch?" Matt asks.

"Yeah, let's just go ahead and undo the workout we just had."

"Nah, we'll be fine!"

Matt's cheery disposition is really pissing me off. I text Jeff and ask him to join us for lunch so at I'll at least be around someone I like.

I don't know why I started disliking Matt because he's not a bad person, I guess I would just rather be with Liv. So, what is my problem that I can't just say, HEY I'M IN LOVE WITH OLIVIA RIVIERA! I'M BISEXUAL IF YOU NEED A LABEL.

"I texted Calvin where we'd be for lunch, the photog should be here in a bit."

"Great!" says Matt. "So, where's Olivia this weekend? Working?"

"Yeah, sort of. She's in NYC taking care of business."

"Cool, cool. She works a lot, huh? That doesn't bother you? I only ask because my last girlfriend was an assistant to a publicist and she was working ALL THE TIME and it didn't leave much time for our relationship, which sucks because I really liked her but how are you gonna be in a relationship with someone that's only there half the time or maybe even less. That's all I'm saying."

What is he trying to say? That Liv isn't there for me? What does he know about Olivia?

"Olivia is an amazing businesswoman, she's a smart woman. Strong too. She wouldn't have everything she does in life if she weren't smart. She knows what she's doing -- she knows how to be in a relationship. To you, it may seem like she's gone a lot for work but that's just a scheduling coincidence," I say in a matter-of-fact tone.

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