Chapter 34 - Olivia

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A/N: Another really long chapter :) Like I said, moving forward chapters are going to be significantly longer!

We've been filming for almost two weeks now. This show is hilarious and unreal. There hasn't been anything like this on TV which means it's either going to flop or be a hit. NoLa has been a blast, I haven't been back since tour and before that, I was last here when I filmed a movie. It's such a beautiful city, so rich in culture! I love it!

"Ahhh! Fuck! Sorry! What was the line?" Abby laughs.

Abby tries again, "Did you have a tumor for breakfast?" this time without laughing and an actual bitch face.

I deliver my monologue and Jordan, the director, calls cut and immediately Abby punches me square in the arm.

"Ow! What the fuck?" I laugh rubbing my arm where the tiny but mighty girl punched me.

"That was for making me laugh during that scene and this.." she punches my other arm, "is for always nailing every scene in one take!" she laughs.

"Didn't you know, Abby? Liv is a one-take wonder, ever since she was a kid!" said Jordan.


"I've known her for years!!!! She has a photographic memory, reads something once, maybe twice and it's stuck in that brain of hers. Can't believe she didn't tell you that!" Jordan says.

I'm still rubbing my arms because like I said, tiny but mighty. That's definitely going to bruise. Sigh.

*BOOOOM! POP! CRASH!* One of the lights right above me explodes causing everyone to stop and scream from being startled.

"LIV!!" Abby yells running up to me dusting off the broken glass.

Thankfully, I was able to duck and cover in time for none of the glass from the light bulbs to hurt me. My hearing though is off, my ears are ringing from the popping of the lights.

"Olivia, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Someone get a medic over here!"

"Liv, try not to move until we get the medic here!"


I can barely hear what everyone was saying to me and it was taking my eyes a minute to adjust. I rub my ears and try to sit up by Abby gently pushes me back down onto the sofa I was sitting on. Everything everyone is saying is muffled but I can somewhat make out what they're saying.

A medic is accessing my "injuries" I'm honestly fine and my hearing is already coming back, it's not serious at all.

"Guys, I'm fine. It was just my ears, and the ringing is already starting to stop. Please! I'm fine!"

"Olivia! Stop being so stubborn and let the medic take a look, please!" Abby begs, she looks so worried I swear she's about to cry, so I agree.

No more than fifteen minutes later I'm back in my trailer asked to take an hour break to take it easy after what just happen. It really wasn't all that serious, I don't know why everyone was making such a big deal out of it.

I'm just getting comfortable on the couch before Abby comes barging into my trailer with her lips pursed and her brow furrowed, "I told you to go to the trailer and that I'd meet you there." Oh she's mad...why is she mad right now?

"I did! I'm in my trailer waiting for you to meet me..." I say slowly.

"We always meet in my trailer," she says shortly.

"Ugh. Abby..." I groan and roll my head and my eyes back. "We're here now. Just come sit." I tap the empty spot on the couch next to me. She walks up and sits directly on top of me instead of the spot I smoothed for her. Of course.

Endlessly...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن