Liar liar leather jacket on fire

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The two weeks of my suspension had passed and Seth still kinda sounded like a sick kitten, when we headed for Baltimore. He wanted to be sure he could perform that night, so he didn't come with me to welcome our friends who had arrived a couple hours after we did.

I had been missing Dean so much. We had never been apart for that long and I was going insane, because the scene I'd dreamt about of him leaving me for Nikki kept going on in my mind. I needed to see him in the flesh, to know it was just a meaningless dream.

When we finally reunited, I gave him a spine-crushing hug, not the most feminine thing to do, but I couldn't help myself.

Dean's POV

Oh God. She was so loving. I felt so bad receiving Shannon's affection after having been such an idiot. Being away from her was just so frustrating. I wish she'd been with me those past weeks, to keep me from doing what I had done.

I needed to stop brooding, man up and confess, but I was so scared I'd lose her. I decided to enjoy a couple more minutes of peace, before breaking the news to my soon to be ex-girlfriend. I reciprocated the hug and kissed her tenderly.

Shannon's POV

As soon as Dean's lips reached mine, all that fear was gone. There was nothing to be worried about, I had just been overthinking.

AJ looked even sadder than the last time I'd seen her, when she was leaving without me.

''How are you? '' She asked me and I didn't know why, since Seth was the one who'd been ill.

''I'm great. I can't wait to perform tonight! '' I exclaimed, trying to cheer her up.

''You don't know... '' AJ stated in disbelief. 

She immediately connected the dots and glanced at Dean with extreme fury in her eyes.

Roman rubbed his forehead and I couldn't help but feel reassured by that gesture. It meant that no matter how mad he was at me, he still cared enough to worry.

''She doesn't know, you haven't told her! '' AJ exclaimed.

''This is none of your business. '' Dean replied.

''You're such a coward! ''

''AJ, please. Calm down. '' Roman said in a low voice.

''Could you please stop acting as if I wasn't here? '' I asked, panicking.

AJ was still staring at Dean and I could tell he was feeling her glance all over himself.

''Shannon... can we talk in private? '' He asked with a raspy voice.

I was so scared about what he had to tell me, that I wanted to say no, but I couldn't act fragile near AJ, or she would have probably bit Dean's face off.

So I forced a smile and said ''Sure. See you guys later? '' only to receive a gloomy nod from AJ and the umpteenth silence from Roman.

Dean and I headed to what was supposed to be our room. I sat on the couch while he kept giving me frustrated glances and walking back and forth.

''What's going on? '' I asked pleadingly.

''I fucked up. '' He shook his head.

''Just tell me what happened. ''

His back was turned, when he suddenly stopped walking.

''I lost control... '' He sighed. ''With Brad. ''

''You... what? Brad? '' I repeated in confusion.

''Yeah, Brad. He mocked me about your suspension, he kept going on about you being all alone with Seth... and I broke his stupid nose. '' Dean hit the desk.

I sighed in relief, as I reached him to put a comforting hand on his shoulder. ''Oh God, Dean! I thought it was something way worse! The guy had it coming anyway. ''

He turned towards me, a sympathetic look on his face.

''Yeah, that's for sure. The problem is I'm not getting off with a warning this time. ''

I was so glad my nightmare wasn't coming true, I didn't think about the fact that what he had done might have had serious consequences.

''Is he pressing charges? ''I gasped.

''No, Vince saved my ass on that one, but he suspended me for a month. ''

''Does that mean... '' I held my breath.

''The storyline is canceled. '' He finally said.

I sunk my teeth into my lower lip. I didn't have the right to rage at him, I couldn't blame him for making the exact same mistake I had made just two weeks before.

''I think it's better if we don't see each other for a while. '' Dean stated with visible difficulty.

''Are you breaking up with me? '' I asked in shock.

''I don't want you to wake up every morning seeing the face of the man who compromised your career. You'll end up hating me and I can't let that happen. '' He replied, his voice shaking.

He had a point, constantly being in his presence would have been the perfect way to resent him more and more every day, but it wasn't his call to make. I was getting so angry at him, I started to speak without thinking.

''This is just a lame excuse to get rid of me. '' I hissed. ''I'm sorry I was in the way of you sticking your dick in anything that has a pulse. It won't happen again. ''

''You can insult me all you want, it won't change the way I feel about you. This is just a temporary solution. '' Dean spoke calmly, but I was too upset to reason.

''No. '' I firmly stated. ''You can't always have your way. If you let me walk out that door, I'm gone for good .''

''Is this a threat? Or is it just what you want? '' He asked with increasing frustration.

''Don't you dare making this about me. ''

''It already is! '' Dean's rage exploded as he pinned me against the wall.

I winced and he quickly reduced the strength of the hold he had on my wrists, pressing his forehead against mine. ''I just want you to have the time to forgive me. ''

''I didn't need your fucking time, Dean. '' I paused. ''But I do now. ''

He let go of me and I walked away. 

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