From zero to slightly-better-looking zero

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My name is Shannon, I've always been a fat bookworm, bullied by every single human being I've ever met.

One day I woke up from the pain of my newest black eye hit by the sun, I looked in the mirror and decided I didn't want to look like that anymore, that I'd stop being a whiner and actually do something.

That was the last time I cried.

After a couple years of tough workout, I looked amazing and I faced my life hard-nosed.

Some time later, I started being sick about the place that had witnessed all of my failures, so I decided to get away and work for wrestling companies.

No one will ever bully me again. I told myself.

Then I finally made it to WWE. I could start over, no one knew about my life before the metamorphosis, but something was wrong.

I didn't belong there, with all those beautiful blue-eyed confident awesome women.

I'd always imagined I would have ended up working in a Burger King, or something... when the picture of my-fat-self making hamburgers flashed before my eyes, I broke a punching bag.

And there I could distinguish the exact moment where I found out I was still fat... inside my head.

As I said, I was not a whiner anymore. So I kept working hard for the company, hoping people wouldn't notice how insecure I was in spite of my 'I care about nothing' front.

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