This is exactly what I'd call a liferuiner

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The break up seemed to be the best thing that could have happened to me. Seth was talking like a radio again and Roman didn't seem to be constantly preparing for a fight anymore.

Should I mention the fact that Dean made me happy? That was such a new feeling.

Dolph and I had a talk on the phone. He told me that, the reason why he cheated, was that he felt like I cared about my friends, more than I had ever cared about him. He cheated because he was and I quote 'feeling left out'.

Well boo hoo. I was amused by his attempt to make me look guilty. It also pissed me off like crazy.

What was wrong about that situation was how I felt about AJ. I wasn't mad at her. I couldn't be. I was thinking back over the way she reacted when I told her I had slept with Dolph. She was holding back her tears. I couldn't help but blame myself. She had known him for longer than me and she loved him more than I did. I had to put away my-selfish-self to realize it.

I didn't feel like going out, so I invited Dean (who was staying there anyway) Seth and Roman in my room.

They had brought booze of course, but somehow I didn't want to drink.

We were watching The crow and discussing about Brandon Lee's death. Things like that made me so sad, that suddenly I was sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

''Are you ok? '' Roman asked, worried.

The guys had followed me, but there was no way I would let them see me vomit. So I locked the door, before puking again.

''Shannon, open the door! '' Dean shouted.

''I'm fine. Just a minute! '' I growled back.

I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. Dean hadn't stopped knocking nervously. I got out and he acted like I had been locked in there for ages.

''Weren't we watching a movie? '' I joked.

''We were before you tried to give me a heart attack. '' He put his arm around my waist and we sat on the bed again.

Seth and Roman went back on the sofa.

''Do you think you can make it tomorrow? '' Dean asked me in low voice.

''Make it for what? ''

''Smackdown. Your head is in the clouds today. ''

I was so tired I couldn't even think properly.

''Oh. Yes, I'll be fine. '' I replied weakly.

''You are so convincing, honey. '' He joked.

I rubbed my head on his chest.

He caressed my cheek.

''I'm telling you something, but don't get mad. '' He said.

''Ugh. What did you do? ''

Dean laughed a little and he continued caressing my face and neck.

''Nothing! It's just that you look like you got implants. '' He giggled.

''Is that a compliment? ''

''Of course. '' Dean grinned, then kissed me.

''Ugh, get a room you two. '' Seth joked throwing a pillow at us.

''It won't be necessary, I'm leaving. '' Roman stated.

''What? Why? '' I asked.

''I'm tired. ''

He didn't convince me, so I frowned and he smiled uncomfortably.

''In this case, I'm going too. '' Seth shrugged.

''Have a goodnight. '' Dean spelled slowly then he smiled with his mouth.

''You too! '' Seth smirked.

Dean and I were alone and we were making out.

I suddenly thought about something really funny.

I stopped Dean from kissing me and thought back over those days.

I was feeling sick. I had been exhausted. My breasts were bigger (according to Dean).

''Shannon, what's wrong? '' He asked as I started looking horrified.

''I think I'm pregnant. ''

He closed his eyes, like he wanted to make what I said disappear.

''No. No, no, no. You can't be. '' Dean said shaking his head.

I reached for his hand and squeezed it. He hugged me and sighed.

''I'll have to kill the son of a bitch. ''

''Not if I kill him first. '' I said.

Some time later, we switched the lights off, but neither of us could sleep, so we spent the night pretending.

Dolph Ziggler was ruining my life.

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