Why did they have to be so charmingly dumb?

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One day I was walking to my hotel room when three guys I work with wouldn't let me through.

That reminded me of when it would happen in high school.

It usually ended with me facing the floor.

But I wouldn't let bullies win this time, so I didn't step back and kept looking at them straight in the eyes.

They were so intense.

''Are you going to get out of the way, or what? '' I asked clenching my fists.

So the huge guy with Samoan tattoos started laughing, but it didn't sound like a wicked laugh at all.

He was amused.

As I started looking confused, he put his arm around my shoulders and shook me a little.

''I like you, lil' warrior. '' What the hell was going on?

The other two guys smirked and for some reason I wished I could hit the one wearing a leather jacket really hard in the face.

Ok, I admit I have always had some trouble managing my anger, but that dude... that dude just drove me crazy.

''Are we freakin' the cute lil' lady out? '' He said in a mocking voice and that made me find out the reason why I wanted to hit him.

I ignored him and glanced the guy who had a light blonde strand of hair, while the huge one was still leaning against me, like I was waiting for him to say something annoying.

Surprisingly he didn't.

He just held out his hand saying ''Nice to meet you, I'm Seth Rollins. ''

I shook it. ''Shannon Mikaelson... why are they acting weird? ''

''Don't mind Roman, he's drunk. And Dean uhm... well he has no excuses. He's a jerk.'' He continued.

We grinned at each other, then Dean laughed and pinched Seth's cheek.

I was starting to feel Mr. Gorgeous tattoos' dead weight.

Because of course, he had to pass out on my shoulder.

So I found myself holding this big man, doing my best to look natural while chatting with the other two.

''Do you mind if I ask you something personal? ''

We were in the middle of a conversation about chicken wings when Seth came out with that question. It felt as if he were about to give me a pop quiz I hadn't studied for.

I was paralyzed. 'Yes, I do, I do mind! ', is what I wanted to answer, but ''Go ahead. '', is what I actually said.

''Are you planning on holding the Sleeping Beauty forever, or you'll let me help you bring him to his room? ''

I bit my lip.

''Just to be clear, I could do it on my own, but since you are here... ''

Seth shook his head and smiled putting Roman's arm around his neck.

''Dean was right, you are a tough one. ''

A smirk appeared on my face and I looked behind to see Dean trying to look casual.

Since then those three weird men have been my best friends.

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