Completely unprepared and incredibly stupid

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I managed to keep my friends away from my boyfriend for some weeks, so that no one would end up in the hospital.

I also hadn't spoken to AJ so far.

I truly missed her, but she had made me feel so uncomfortable and childish.

So, when we'd meet in the corridor, or team up in matches, which was very usual, we'd barely look at each other.

Only because I was too much of a coward to apologize.

That was what I was thinking about, while helping Dolph choose some trousers.

Well what I was actually doing, was standing in front of his changing room, nodding every now and then, not even bothering to give him a true opinion, because I knew he was going to choose on his own anyway.

''Babe, come in. '' He said.

''Couldn't you ask more nicely? '' I teased in a sweet voice. If I had been watching this scene from the outside I wouldn't have recognized myself.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me over the curtain, we found ourselves inches away.

My forearm was laying on his bare chest.

''I thought you were trying trousers on. ''

''I was. ''

I could see sweat drops on his upper lip.

''I guess you are wondering why I'm so flushed, right? '' He said, his face was a bit red and I didn't know if it was because it was damn hot in there, or he was embarrassed.

''I'm kind of scared to ask. '' I giggled, while his warm arm was still holding me.

''These skinny jeans are too skinny and I can't take them off. ''

What a mischievous glance he had.

''You could have said it without making me think you had killed someone. '' I laughed.

''Oh well sorry, but it's not that usual for me to get clothes stuck on me. I generally have the opposite problem. '' He laughed too.

I thought about his wrestling top You wish you could... pull this off.

I couldn't help but laugh more and he did the same, we tried hard not to make noise. Needless to say, we were pretty unsuccessful.

After we calmed down, I started to undress him.

I have to admit it was pretty difficult.

Maybe because that stuff should have been removed with surgery, or maybe because I was focusing not to smirk my head off.

When I finally made it, I was a mess. I'd never been graceful.

''Thanks babe.'' He said dressing up.

Before we got out of the dressing room, he took my face and gently kissed me.

I heard the voice of Nikki Bella. I wanted to avoid her pathetic sideswipes, her fake smile and those fake big boobs.

But it was too late. She had seen me. Along with Eva Marie and Cameron.

''Doing some charity work, hottie? It's so nice of you.''

I kept my face unemotional.

Those girls didn't like me because it's hard for people who don't know what a book is to get along with me.

But as far as I was concerned, the reason did not matter. They were just stupid little sluts to me.

''That's rude, Nicole.'' Dolph simply answered.

Thank God he did. I wasn't going to keep calm if they had continued. The three of them gave each other a backbiting glance.

We walked away hearing them giggle.

Dolph bought a couple trousers he could actually fit in and the ones I had to take off of him.

''To remember our inverted second base thing! '' He explained.

I giggled shaking my head.

''Do it again. '' He said.

''Do what? ''

''That laugh... that... I love the way you... Shannon... I love you. ''

''Uh... ah. Great. ''

I realized that keeping on mumbling would have been super dumb, so I kissed him.

And I felt uncomfortable. He said what no guy had ever said to me.

When I got back to my hotel room in Atlanta, that day flashed before my eyes.

Dolph was handsome.

He was smart.

He was funny.

Dolph was perfect.

Then why didn't I love him back?

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