Chapter 1

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Stiles POV

*BOOM* don't judge my falling sound 😂

I wake up quickly at the familiar sound of my father falling down the stairs. I get out of bed and run all the way downstairs since he didn't even manage to climb the first one this time.

"Dad! I told you a hundred time to scream for me to help you or sleep on the couch. You will hurt yourself. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, nothing's broken. I didn't want you to wake you up and I didn't want to have a sore back because I slept on the couch for work tomorrow."

"Sure Dad. Sure."

My dad still tries to make me believe that he goes to work every day, but I know that he just sits at the kitchen table and drink all day. He's drinking since mom died. 8 years ago.

I know that's not what she wanted for him. For me. I know she would be disappointed. But what can I do?

I put his arm around my shoulder and take all his death weight on me. The first two years I was too young and weak to do it so I made him sleep on the couch.

But after the fifth years, it became a necessity. So I worked out and her I am. Lifting my old drunk father through all the 17 stairs by myself.

I open his bedroom door and make him sit on the bed. I remove his shoes, socks and ask him to lay down.

He does so and I put the covers over him and kiss him on the forehead "Goodnight Dad, love you." "Goodnight Sti. I love you to. I'm so sorry." "It's okay dad. It's okay."

I go back in my room and lay in bed. You would probably think that I hate my father, but I understand him. He lost his wife, the love of his life.

He's the last thing that I have and I love him with all my heart. I would do anything for him. Anything.

I turn on my side and look at the digital clock on my bedside table.

It's early but I know that I will not go back to sleep and I'm SURE that my father will not wake up at the noise, so I decide to go take a shower before school.

*10 minutes of washing later*

I get out of the shower and put a towel around my waist. I walk back in my room and put my usual outfit on. A red hoodie and black skinny jeans.

I open my father's bedroom door and hear him snoring loudly so I head downstairs knowing that he's fine.

I open our fridge to make myself a big breakfast since I still have a lot of time before school but find nothing in it except the beers of my father. Weird.

I look at the clock on the oven.

The grocery store should be open by now. I take my keys and open the front door- WHERE THE FUCK IS MY JEEP?!!

I step out of the house in the driveway and look around with a look of total panic on my face but my roscoe is nowhere to be seen.

I can't lose this fucking Jeep. It must stupid to anyone else but that's the only thing that hold me together. It was my mother's. One of the only thing that she left me.

I feel a tears rolling down my cheek

"Hello boy. You must be John's son."
Says a guy who looked in his late forty who stepped out of nowhere wearing blackish aviator glasses.

What the fuck?

I dry my tears with the back of my hand and try to stop looking so shocked.

"Hi. Yeah that's me. How can I help you sir?" I say politely. "Well, you can begin by calling me Deucalion. I was coming to take the rest of my payment?"

What the actual fuck?

"The rest of your payment? At four in the morning?" I ask crossing my arms, disbelief lacing my voice.

"Sorry but I don't like waiting for my money. Your dad didn't told you? It doesn't surprise me. The drunk little bastard." He says with a chuckle at the insult directed at my father.

"I will ask you to be polite when you're talking about my dad sir. And what are you talking about?"

I say knowing that he asked me to call him Deucalion but not giving a fuck.

"Last week, I met your father in a bar and we started playing poker with other people that I don't even remember the name and... Let's just say that your dad isn't really good at keeping a poker face and that he owes me a hell lot of money. He gave me that shitty Jeep of yours and something like 10 000$. I think he said that that money came from Claudia's life insurance or something... That's not enough."

I stare at him. I stayed by my dad's side trough the sickness, alcoholism and death but that's to much.

"What do you want? You didn't take enough?" I say practically shouting. "That's what I just said son. That is not.enough.It's the first time I come here but it looks like a good neighborhood..."

I look at the pavement and feel the tears coming once again. It can't be true. It's a nightmare.
I count my finger.

"Give me the house. And the debt disappear." "No." I say angrily through my teeth.

"Sorry what? I think I didn't understand what you just said." He says with a look of superiority. "I said no. I will pay what my father owes you. With cash."

He laughs. The ugliest laugh I never heard.

"Would you tell me how an 18 years old boy, who still goes to high school, like you, can pay me in CASH an amount of money like the one your father owes me?"

I shiver as I think about why he knows all those things about me. "That's none of your business. How much time do I have to pay you?"

"Since I find you funny. I would say a year. But I want it in cash. I want to feel all those dollars in my hands in one. year. Oh! And one last thing before I go, Stiles, if in one year, I find that you and your shitty father have mysteriously disappear or that I don't have ALL the money that you owe me in hands. You're both dead. Did I make myself clear." He says in a threatening tone. "Crystal clear."

My voice sounds more confident then I actually feel but I keep my hard facade until the scary, weird guy is out of sight.

Once I'm sure he can't here me I drop to my knees and start sobbing.

What am I gonna do?

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