Chapter 9: Nathan Steals More Than Gold

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"Okay, hit us with your masterplan, Ailith!" I told her. So yes, I wasn't just talking about the group on the outside. 'Cause why would that be fun, right?

"Okay, so for some reason, gryphons love gold--"

"Just like dragons!" Nathan sounded really excited for that. I mean, why not? They're both apart of the same freaking religion. 

Don't freak Greek mythology! Penthesilea said from inside my head.

Oh, sorry Penth.

Penthesilea. Do not come up with a nickname for me. I hate nicknames.

Okay, good to know. Thanks Penthesilea.

She didn't respond as I didn't pay attention to the rest of the plan. Before I knew it, Ailith said, "does everyone know their role?"

Everyone nodded except for me.

"Aitanya, you okay?" Ailith asked.

"Yeah, I'm just starting to hear Penthesilea from inside my head. Is that weird?"

"Don't worry, if anyting's Art's good for is his perseptiveness. He'll tell you if no one else will."

"Okay." Penthesilea, what was my part of the plan?

We're staying home so that we can get in touch with each other more.

So, they're ditching me?

I didn't even think of that. However, you are the only one with me inside your head.

That's what makes me different from them.

It's a good thing. But, you're not the only one. He just doesn't notice it yet.

He? Who are you talking about?

You'll see...

I woke from the inner-speak with Penthesilea to find that a siren was going off somewhere near here. Then Ailith, Art, and Nathan came running from siren sound.

What did they do?

They stole gold.

From where?

The local bank.

Oh, that's just fantastic. I can't wait to hear how this is going to play out.

Nathan was holding the piece of gold that we were going to use, and he set it down. It must've been heavy.

Don't do that. We need to become one. Penthesilea said.

I thought we are one.

Not what I meant.

Then what did you mean?

We are one, but not all of the way. You need to let me in all of the time, and I do too, so don't think that it is just you. We need to concentrate on being more together, more fluid with our movements.

Okay, how? 

You might not like me for this next part...

"Aitanya! Why are you still on the roof?" Nathan asked and climbed up onto the roof.

"I don't know. When I'm talking to Penthesilea, I can't move. Which is probably why you don't want me to be around when you do missions."

Nathan put his arm around my shoulders, trying to comfort me. "It's not that we don't want you around, but like just now when you sort of blackout is when you really aren't as helpful as when you don't black out."

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