Chapter 7: Celebratory Chicken Dinner Turns Deadly

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Ailith led us to a booth that must have been her favorite spot to sit in. I didn't blame her for that. It was right next to a window that looked out over the entire town.

"Welcome Ailith. Your usual tonight?" asked a person behind me. I turned my head to find a saytr mistaking me for Ailith. I didn't think that we looked alike in any way possible, but here we are.

"Ailith is already ordering our food," I said and looked back out the window.

"Oh. Are you apart of her group?"

"I am indeed," I confirmed.

"Good. Then she won't mind if I take you in back for a little survey. To see what you thought of your first visit here."

I was a lot skeptical, but I nodded because I didn't want to cause a bigger problem than what they were trying to. I followed him into a small, dark, cold room that reminded me of a freaking closet it was so small. Only thing we that it didn't have clothes in it.

"We thank you for being in this city to try out restaurant. Unfortunately, you won't survive to have a next time," the saytr said.

Penthesilea came back and overcrowded my mind. "Nothing that I haven't escaped from before. An empty, locked, and dark room" she said in my voice.

"What was that?" the saytr asked and turned around from the door that he was his about to walk out of.

"Nothing," Penthesilea said for me. The saytr walked out of the room, only to be knocked back in probably from one of Ailith's kicks.

He skidded a little bit and fell backwards, his head on the floor.

"Freaking fauns," Ailith said as she walked in, sword in hand. 

"Where's Art and Nathan?"

"Waiting outside on the roof; waiting for us in the inside."

"Okay," I said as Ailith cut me lose from the rope.

"What happened?" Ailith asked.

"The saytr was serving me when he said that I needed to come with him to fill out a 'little survey' in his back office. Then he tied me up and you kicked him in here."

"Speaking of which, what should we do with him?" Ailith asked as she pointed to the saytr.

I started to grab for the rope and she nodded and smiled. She grabbed one end and I got the other end and we tied him up with all of the rope.

We walked out with Nathan to find Art. Sure enough, he was in the roof and he had food for all of us, which was surprising, since he barely knew Nathan and I.

We climbed onto the roof as easy as would be to climb up onto a stage backwards. "I didn't know what you would like, so I got you a turkey sub," he handed the sub to me. He also looked at Nathan, but I don't know what he said because it was quieter than when he talked to me.

We ate our dinner on silence, so I started to look up at the stars. It was a beautiful, clear night with no clouds and thousands of little blue twinkles that lit up the sky. If I had my camera, that would be my new screensaver once I had uploaded it from my camera to my laptop.

"What are you thinking about?" Nathan asked. I just realized that he had move next to me and Art had moved closer to Ailith. How she standed him sometimes was beyond me.

"Aitanya? Earth to Aitanya," Nathan said, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Hmm? Oh, hi," I said.

"What are you thinking about?" Nathan asked again.

"Do you miss them?"

"Some of them," he said and leaned closer to me. Has he ever heard of personal space? "Do you miss your mom?"

"The good side of her. I don't miss the fights that we used to get intrigued into." We were sitting shoulder-to-shoulder at this point. I could feel his warmth almost pouring out of him. I took that as a show of affection and started to lower my head onto his shoulder. He didn't seem to mind because he didn't move it or didn't try to shrug me off.

"Are you tired?"

"A little bit," I said.

"Then, we'll camp here for the night," Ailith said, barging into our conversation.

All four of us laid down on the roof of the restaurant. Nathan was with me as Art was with Ailith. Nathan and I stayed together to keep warm. I almost instantly fell asleep as I felt Nathan's arm go around me protectively. Now, I would definitely not have left him in the fire that night.

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