Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

"I think you look amazing. Not that you don't look amazing all the time. But right now you look like really amazing." He said with wide eyes.

I laughed and kissed his lips. He pulled away and we walked to the car. I got in taking a deep breath. I tried to let go of my parties are bad mindset, but I don't think it was working.

"Hey, you're gonna be okay." Ethan said giving my hand a squeeze.

I smiled at him and sighed. He started driving to his friend's house. When we got there, I was already regretting everything.

Loud, trashy music was playing out of the speakers. Bright lights were shining. People were drinking and smoking. And all I wanted to do was leave.

Ethan and I got out of the car and walked into the house. Ethan waved to his friend that was throwing the party. They said their greetings as I was looking for at least one familiar face in this crowd. I found three. Emily, Grayson, and Cameron.

Emily and Gray seemed saftest. I walked over to them. Emily looked at me.

"Hey! I didn't know you were coming!" She said surprised.

"Yeah...I'm here." I sat fiddling with the nearest on my jeans.

"Are you okay? Is Ethan here?" Grayson asked.

"Yeah. He's here and I'm fine. I'm gonna go find Ethan." I lied. I walked away from them and headed for the door, they probably didn't notice.

On my way to the door I bumped into a not so nice person.

"Where are you going, baby? Cameron asked grabbing me by the shoulders.

"Don't fucking call me that. Get away from me." I told him.

"Why? I love you." He said.

"You're drunk and you don't know anything. You don't love me and I think you should get out of my face."

"Why do that when I could do this?"

He grabbed my still-partially injured wrist. He pulled me up into a room where it was dark. He pinned me up against the wall.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered. He kissed my neck. I tried pushing him off. I smacked his head. He didn't budge.

"OFF!" I yelled. He wouldn't listen. He didn't listen.

"Stop making it so difficult." He said. He threw me on the bed.

I tried to get up but he pinned me down. I was tired of fighting. I had no more fight left.

I squirmed and squirmed some more.

"Stop!" I yelled. He undressed me as I yelled and hit some more.

"This won't hurt a bit." He whispered kissing my forehead.

"GET OFF." I yelled at him. He rammed himself into me. It didn't feel the same like when Ethan did it. He continued to do this until he climaxed.

"Told you that would feel good." He whispered. I quickly got dressed and ran out of the room. That was the second time.

I needed to find Ethan. He was taking to James. I ran up to him with tears rolling down my face. I couldn't do this.

"Remi?" What's wrong? What happened?" Ethan asked firmly.

"" I stuttered.

"What did he do to you?" Ethan asked.

"He...r...ra-" Ethan cut me off by getting up and finding Cameron.

"YOU RAPED MY GIRLFRIEND! YOU BETTER HOPE I DON'T KILL YOU!" Ethan yelled as he punched Cameron. I shut my eyes hoping this would all go away, hoping that all of this was a dream that I could wake up from.

People pulled Ethan off of Cameron. I took a deep breath feeling like it was the last one I would take. I couldn't breathe. The air inside my lungs was gone.

I looked up at Ethan. He was crying and his face was bloody. He ran to me.

"Let's go home please." Ethan said wiping his eyes. More tears found their way down his cheeks.

I wiped them off with my thumb and kissed his lips.

"I...I'm sorry." I told him.

I ran out of the house and ran all the way back to mine. I never stopped running. He was hurt and it was my fault. I had to end it. I needed to end me.

When I got to my house I went straight up to my room. I grabbed a razorblade. I was too destroyed to care anymore.

I looked out my window. The moon was peaking through the clouds. I looked over at my dresser. A picture of Ethan and I stood up through a frame.

"I'll always love you." My broken voice said.

I cut the blade deep and let the blood trickle out.

I shut my eyes hoping they would never open again.

Destroyed and broken I took what felt like my last breath.

I let it go...

The End

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