When we said our goodbyes and the two of them left for the carriages, I made my way back inside the castle. My first day alone I spend it in the common room, curled up on a comfortable couch next to the emerald fire burning in the hearth, working on the Mount Everest of homework we had been assigned. I went to bed early after eating dinner and spend a restless night tossing and turning under the covers.

The next morning was slightly better. The nightmares hadn't been that bad. I woke up around 8 and decided to make the best of the day. So as I pulled on a pair of akinny jeans and a dark green sweater, I felt slightly more calm and relaxed, for the first time in ages. Walking over to the vanity in front of Jennas bed, I looked at my own reflection for what seemed like the first time in ages.

My most noticeable feature had always been my hair. A deep crimson, most people assumed it was dyed, but the nearly blood-red colour was actually natural. It cascaded down my back until just below my shoulderblades, and had a slight weave to it. With my pale skin and lean figure I stood at 5'10, which was pretty tall for a girl my age. I looked young though, and my big green eyes and freckles dusted across my nose and cheeks only added to my youtful appearance. If it weren't for the womanly curves that adorned my body I would probably still be mistaken for a child.

Sighing at the dark circles that seemed to have taken a permanent residence underneath my eyes, I pulled my hair back into a loose chignon and threw on my warmest cloak, a black one lined with green and embroided with silver.

As I headed downstairs I couldn't help but feel a bit lighthearted at the sight of all the Christmas decorations that had appeared overnight. Curtesy of the houselves, I knew. Reaching the Great Hall I made my way inside, only to see that the 4 big tables had now disappeared, and in its place was a single long table. I was very familiar with this arrangement, and enjoyed Dumbledores attempts to bring those who stayed behind a little closer over the hollidays.

Sitting down I noticed that most of the table was already occupied, and I recognized a few of the people seated. I also saw the Headmaster, who was seated next to some 4th year student from Ravenclaw and in front of McGonagall. Hagrid was also there, and Snape. Five students from Gryffindor, which to my surprisw included Bill Weasley, 7 from kids Huffelpuf and another three from Ravenclaw, plus 4 Slytherins were everyone present at the table. My eyes remained fixed on Lupin, who was talking to another Professor. 27 people. That wasn't much. But then, who would want to spend Christnas at school?

Preparing myself a plate and wolfing it down in record time I was pleased to have actually eaten something. There were days in which even the thought of food sickened me. Today wasn't one of them. After breakfast I decided on going to the library.

I needed some answers.

Having overheard Snapes rant against Dumblesore on what I could only assume was Lupins prescence at the school, I was more determined than ever to find out what was going on. Snape had mentioned an improved Wolfsbane potion. I wasn't very good at potions, but I intended to find out more about the matter.

So I went to the library, and after some searching found several potions books on the subject. Choosing a table near the window in the back of the library I made myself at home, intent on reading in on the subject as best as I could. As it happened, some of the books went into great detail about the topic, and I skipped lunch as the hours flew by and I grew more and more confused.....

.......There are over 250 species of Aconitum, the most common of which are known as aconite, monkshood, or wolfsbane........

..........Aconitum species are highly toxic, although they were used in medicine as a pain-reliever, diuretic, heart sedative, and to induce sweating............

......In medieval Europe, aconite was often used as poison in animal bait or on arrows used when hunting wolves, hence the herb also became known as wolfsbane..........

.........Aconite (also known as monkshood or wolfsbane) is a plant with magical proprieties. Once widespread, this plant is now only found in wild places. Its flowers are useful in potion-making, but its leaves are very toxic. Aconite is most commonly known as an ingredient of the Wolfsbane Potion. The root of aconite can be used as a potion ingredient.......

Now things started to make sense.... But even as they did, a strange sensation came over me. Almost like dread. But what could be so dreadful about some plant? And what on earth was Snape making with it? And, even more importantly, why did Lupin need it?

Not soon after I found my answer....

.....The Wolfsbane Potion is an innovative and complex potion that relieves, but does not cure, the symptoms of lycanthropy. The main ingredient is wolfsbane (also referred to as aconite or monkswood). As such, this Potion is very dangerous when incorrectly concocted, since Aconite is a very poisonous substance. The way one must imbibe it is very unique among potions, in that a gobletful of wolfsbane potion must be taken for each day of a week preceding the full moon. It is extremely difficult to make.....

......"must be drunk once per day in the week leading up to the full moon."..........

...........The Wolfsbane Potion, invented by Damocles, allows the werewolf to keep their human mind during transformation.............

My mind was reeling. I had like a thousand and one questions. It couldn't be, right? That wasn't possible. Dumbledore wouldn't endanger the student body in such a manner. Although it did answer some questions. It explained why Lupin looked ill. It explained why he came looking for Snape. It explained Snapes behaviour and reluctance to having Lupin around. The Wolfsbane potion also made perfect sense if what I though was right. And more importantly, it explained the air of sadness and pain that surrounded the man.

After all, if he was what I suspected he was, then his very existence must be like a continuous fight. A struggle for control.

Because a Lycanthrope would most defenitely have some control issues.

A Werewolf.....


Oki-doki. I know, it's kinda fast for her to find out about LUpins true nature, but it's just that I want the story to be more than just another werewolf romance. This has to be about other problems, other struggle. So yeah. She knows. And guess what? She. Doesn't. Care.

Mauw mauw.

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