You spelled coming wrong...

H3rtbr8kr 💔:
I know

Who's party is it?
Any adults?
How many people?

H3rtbr8kr 💔:
Don't worry about all that
Just come
I'll send you the address
And please please please take your friends
They all fine as hell
I wAnT tAeHyUnG!!

Can you stop being a hoe for one second? Please?

H3rtBr8kr 💔:
What's wrong with you?
Are you one of those overprotective girlfriends or something?

No, it's not like that
It's just..
You break hearts from all the hoeing around you do
Its the truth and I'm not gonna sugar coat it
I don't want you taking interest in the boys because I don't want to see them hurt in the end
Understand where I'm coming from

H3rtBr8kr 💔:
Blah blah blah
That's all a bunch of stuff I've heard before
If you're really that serious then I won't mess with them
Except Taehyung
He's fine
I likey 😍

He's not your type
He's a dork
He's a cutie too
But still a dork

H3rtBr8kr 💔:
So he's not the sexy type?

I can't say
I haven't seen that side of him yet

H3rtBr8kr 💔:
yEt~ '____'

Shut up
Just send the address
We'll be there

H3rtBr8kr 💔:
[Insert Address]

And don't give me an answer that'll just piss me off...

H3rtBr8kr 💔:
I know the guy's your friend and what not
But he doesn't fit in
Especially with us
I don't have anything against him, honestly
But wouldn't he feel uncomfortable being at a party with all the people he hates?

I see your point
But it's his choice
I'll bring Yoongi if he's okay with it
And I don't understand why people don't like him..

H3rtBr8kr 💔:
He's kinda weird
He's always sitting by himself, and he never speaks
He never does anything at all
He's such a loner
He makes others uncomfortable
And he's an easy target for bullies

That's a load of bullshit..

H3rtBr8kr 💔:
You're very straight forward
I likey ❤

Alrighty then
What time does the party start?

H3rtBr8kr 💔:
Not too sure
Just come at 8
I'll be there early to help set it up anyways


H3rtBr8kr 💔:
His Ex will be there
I'm sure they do not want to run into each other
I don't want to run into him either
Our friendship became a little rocky after he broke up with Soojung
And you know I gotta stick with my girl

But I thought you two still talked after the break up..
And why did Jimin and Soojung break up in the first place?
I hate the girl but that doesn't make me any less curious...

H3rtBr8kr 💔:
I gtg
Class just started
See ya later

Why are you avoiding my question?

H3rtBr8kr 💔:
What question
I don't see any questions 👀
Bye bye
Ily 😘

Answer me!
Why did Jimin and Soojung break up?
Opened 2m ago


"Everything okay?" Jimin stared at me curiously. I can't ask him now, that's such a personal question.

"Yeah, actually, I wanted to know if you all want to come to some party Saturday."

All the boys, except the sleeping Yoongi, mumbled around. In the end, under certain obligations, they all agreed to come. Jin even invited Namjoon who already planned on going.

Now, for Yoongi. To wake him up I poked his cheek, it was hella soft and squishy. I poked him again, the second time his eyes fluttered open.

The rest of our group watched attentively to see how Yoongi would react. They all seemed somewhat intimidated.

Yoongi rubbed at his face, his deadpan expression was piercing. "What the fuck, who woke me up?" He muttered, his voice being low and slightly raspy.

"I woke you." I spoke up.

His eyes scanned me up and down, I wasn't sure why, I'm not much to look at. "Why? What do you want?"

"Saturday, we should go to a party."

"Why the hell would I want to go?" He released a heavy breath and laid his head on the desk to rest, again. "I don't do parties."



I pouted, then looked over at Jin. He was doing some type of hand signs that were surprisingly easy to understand. Then, he pointed at the heart tattoo and number on his wrist. Fifty-two days.

Then, it's time for me to try harder, right? I laid my head on my desk so my eyes were leveled with Yoongi's. He stared at me the whole time with curiosity. "Please go to the party."

"Why should I?"

"Because, I want you there with me." What the hell did I just say? I sprung up from the desk, in shock at my own words.

Yoongi averted eye contact by turning his head away from me. "Fine, whatever." It was surprising how quickly he changed his answer from earlier.

Holy shiz, I'm surprised that actually worked. That was honestly painful to do on my part.

On another note, who's party are we even going to?


What do you guys think happened between Jimin, Soojung, and Yeonwoo? Any theories? It will be revealed later anyways.

Goodnight Lovelies 💕

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