28- Fix My Metaphorically Broken Nose!

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"What's happening over there?" A slightly red-faced James took a seat beside Halley, once she had returned to the tent. She was watching Nova and Selene, who appeared to be having the very conversation that Halley had encouraged.

"My little sister is confessing her undying love for Selene," Halley said.

"What? That's slightly unexpected," James raised his eyebrows.

"Is it though? If you really think about it, in seven years at Hogwarts, neither of them has expressed any interest in anyone else."

"Huh, I suppose you're right, maybe they'll turn out just as disgusting as Alfie and Hope," James' eyes flicked to the couple, who were dancing together.

"Anyway, what drew you away from your Delacour Veela cousin?" Halley teased.

"I might've made her a bit angry, and as we all know, Veelas are not nice when they're angry," James said. The two of them laughed, remembering the stories of the Ireland Vs Bulgaria Quidditch World Cup that their parents had told them.

"You're too charming for your own good," Halley patted his arm.

"It is both a gift and a burden," James nodded, "but I will do my best to carry this burden through life."

"I hope a dark wizard breaks your nose Potter, then you might shut up."

"It's okay, if I do get my nose broken, you'll be there to patch me up!"

"Maybe I won't, that will teach you a lesson!"

"C'mon Hal, fix my metaphorically broken nose."

"No, keep your metaphorical nose out of your butt, and go away!"

"This is why I hate you."

"I hate you too!"

"I miss this?" James grinned at Haller stupidly.

"Miss me breaking your nose?"

"No, I miss you, Hal! I miss spending every day with you. You're my best friend, and we hardly get any time together anymore, what with you blowing potions up all over the place-"

"I haven't don't that in months! Blown a potion up I mean."

"-and me being a badass Auror. We're both just too busy." James ignored Halley.

"Hey, here's an idea," said Halley, "I've been meaning to move. I mean get a new flat or something. Why don't we buy one together?"

James' face broke into a grin, "live together? Oh, it will be just like Hogwarts, we can irritate our neighbours, throw all night parties-"

"-or we could start by just living together again? That might be a start. I mean, it's been a while since you had to deal with me 24/7, I might drive you mad now."

"You could never drive me mad Halley."

"Is that a challenge?"

"No, it's not- I didn't mean!"

"This is going to be so much fun!" Halley grinned widely, "let's shake on it," she offered James her hand, "we're buying a party flat, and I'm going to do everything in my power to drive you mad!"

"I like the first part, but I'd like the second part amended."

"Too late, you already shook my hand. The deal is made!"


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