26- Halley Is In The Middle Of A Domestic

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"I'm late, I'm late, I'm late," Halley chanted as she hurried across the grounds of Hogwarts.

"That's right Halley, you are late," Neville patted her on the back as she skidded to a halt beside her father, "but don't worry, they haven't left yet."

"Well of course they haven't, this ceremony takes forever!" Halley began scooping her messy hair back from her face, and tied half of it up with a hair band. Halley glanced back up at the castle, and saw the seventh years flooding out of the double doors, for their final trip across the Hogwarts lake.

"I remember graduating," Halley mused, "oh I miss Hogwarts."

"I should hope that you remember graduating, it was only four years ago, if you didn't remember that, I would be slightly concerned." Venus laughed.

"Hi Halley!" Nysa barrelled over to his parents and sister, with Nova tagging along behind him.

"Hello Nys," Halley hugged her younger brother, "glad to be leaving this place?"

"I'm suppose so," Nysa shrugged.

"Don't lie to yourself, you're going to miss this place with everything you are," Halley patted his back, "how about you Nova, I'm assuming you did well in your exams?"

"I suppose we'll see," Nova smiled.

"I can't believe that my babies are leaving school!" Venus declared, she swept both of the twins into a tight hug.

"I'm so glad that it's not me this time," Halley murmured to her father.

"Don't worry Hal, there's plenty more occasions for your mother to hug you like that." Neville laughed, "although I think that she might start reserving them for special occasions, like your wedding, or her first grandchild."

"Please!" Halley laughed, "Nova is going to have children long before I do."

"Alright, everyone into the boats!" Sirius called across the heads of the students, "I can't wait to be shot of you lot!"

Many of the gathered crowd laughed, and then the seventh years hurried off towards the boats.

Halley found herself staring at the boat occupied by Nysa, Nova, Lily and Selene. All four of them had wide smiles on their faces. Nova was looking directly at Halley, an overjoyed expression on her face. Halley sent a wink towards her younger sister, who laughed and turned towards Selene.

"Wow, it's going to be really quiet here next year," Venus murmured, watching the retreating boats.

"On the bright side, Teddy and Victorie are getting married," Halley pointed out, "that means in just eleven years, they'll be some more trouble at Hogwarts."

"Hmm," Neville frowned, "I'm not sure that I'm looking forwards to that."

"Of course you are!" Venus whacked his arm, "you love being the friendly Professor."

"What can I say, kids just naturally love me!" Neville grinned.

"Well at least I'm the cool parent," sighed Venus, turning to look at Halley pointedly, "right Comet?"

"I am not getting in the middle of your domestic argument!" Halley put her hands in the air, "now, if you'll excuse me, I have some catching up to do with James, and only four hours before I am required at the graduation celebration at Grandma Molly's, so I will see you in four hours."

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