1- The Dramatics Of Professor Black-Weasley

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"Oh! My baby is all grown up!" cried Venus Black-Weasley, flinging her arms around her eldest daughter Halley at Platform 9 3/4.

"Mum!" Halley complained and tried to shove her mother off, "get off me!"

"Let her have her moment," Neville Longbottom patted his daughter's head.

"Mum, you're going to see me everyday!" Halley Congo used her complaints, "it's not like I'm moving to America!"

"Right," Venus released her daughter, "go if you must, but do not forget your poor old mother when you're off at school."

"You're a bloody teacher!" said Halley, "you will literally be teaching me!"

"Halley that's not the point," laughed Neville, "you're going to school, that's a big deal. Just please, try not to cause too much trouble, I have a bet with your grandfather that I don't want to loose."

"What bet?" Venus frowned, "why do I never know about the bets?"

Halley made eye contact with her best friend James Potter, who was being hugged tightly by his own mother.

"Sirius said that he thinks Halley and James will cause twice as much havoc as Alfie and Hope, I said they wouldn't." Neville and Venus continued to biker back a forth.

"You are so going to loose that bet."

"You really have such a bad opinion of your daughter?"

"Nev, I have a high opinion of her, that's why I think you're going to loose."

Halley waved vigorously at her parents, "the her in question is standing right here!"

"If I were you," Halley's grandfather, Sirius, nudged her, "I'd get on the train before your mother starts crying."

Halley grinned, "I think I'm going to take that advice!" Halley ducked in between her parents and grabbed James's arm, pulling him free of his mother.

The two sprinted towards the scarlet train, with their parents yelling last goodbyes after the retreating figures of their children. The two scrambled onto the train, and ran down the corridor, both of them laughing loudly as they did.

Eventually they came to a stop and barrelled into the compartment where they had stashed their trunks earlier. They both fell into seats, gasping to catch their breath, still laughing.

"Okay," Halley said when she finally caught her breath, she looked at James with a serious look on her face, "we have got some big shoes to fit into Jamesie, we are holding the legacy of the Marauders, and Fred and George on our shoulders. We have to live up to their names! And my Dad made a bet, that we have to make him loose."

James clicked his tong and shook his head. "Let's analyse our supplies." He reached up and pulled his trunk down from the overhead rails. He pulled out a large Weasley Wizards Wheezes bag out of his trunk.

"What house do you think we'll be in?" Halley asked as they began sorting through the bag of joke shop products.

"We're lions Hal, there's no question about that!" James laughed, and roared loudly to emphasise his point.

The compartment door slid open and Alfie poked his head into the compartment, grinning widley.

"I hear the call of my house!" He said, making his way into the compartment, stepping over James's trunk. Hope followed close behind him, making a face at the contense of James's bag. "Do little Comet and Jamsie think that they're cut out to be lions."

"We don't think it Alfie," Halley laughed, "we know it!"

Welcome to book three of the generations series, which will follow Halley Alice Longbottom, the eldest daughter of Venus Black-Weasley and Neville Longbottom. I really hope you enjoy this next generation era story!
Remember to vote, comment and check out my other books!
~Em xx

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