25- James Finds Out

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"My little Jamsie can now legally hunt down dark wizards!" Halley handed James some Butter Beer and sat down beside him on the sofa in her very small studio flat. She had lived the for a while, and yes, it was VERY small. But it was also VERY close to St Mungo's, which saved her money on both Floo Powder, and the hassle of apperating every morning (she had never been particularly good at apperating).

"Time flies!" James grinned, they chunked their glasses, and both took gulps of butter beer. "But Comet, I'm still both older and taller than you, so you can't exactly call me little."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Jamsie!" Halley pinched his cheek as though he was a little kid and she were his grandmother.

"Get off me!" He slapped her hand away. Both of them laughed, and James took another sip of butter beer, "so, what have you been doing Halley, I haven't seen you in a while."

"Well," Halley scratched the back of her neck, "I've actually been working on something for a while now, you remember when I kept borrowing your invisibility cloak back in school."

"I think you mean stealing, but go on," James said happily.

"Well, I was sneaking down to the potions room to work on a project-"

"The thing that kept blowing up in your face."

"Yes that, well I've been working on that for a while now, and I've actually started to make some progress, so I used it on Mum-"

"Hold up, what exactly did you use on Venus?"

"Oh, sorry. I've been working on a cure for werewolf bites, so far I've made a cream that can fully heal up wounds inflicted by werewolf bites and scratches. And I think I'll be able to-"

"Wait." James held up an arm, stopping Halley from speaking, "you've been working on something so big, for so long, and you didn't tell me?"

"Uh, I-"

"I'm your best friend Halley, you didn't think to tell me?"

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"I could have helped you, Hal!"

"Is it weird that you're having almost the same reaction as my mum," Halley laughed.

"Halley, you're seriously laughing at this?"

"Well it is quite funny," Halley grinned, "you're just like my mum!" Halley blinked slightly, "oh Merlin, you're just like my mum," Halley shuddered.

"Seriously. You kept such a massive secret from me for five and a half years?" James demanded.

"If it helps, I kept it from everyone, and you didn't tell me that you were dating that muggle girl until after you broke up with her, so I think we can call it even."

"No way! You owe me a big one!"

"What about that time I took the blame with your mum so that she wouldn't take your broom away!"

"That was fifteen years ago!"

"And I'm calling it in now!" Halley declared.

"Merlin's saggy underwear!" James cursed, "well, I guess we're equal then."

"Yes, we are!" Halley clapped her hands together.

"Okay, so moving on from that. I can now arrest people!" James raised his half-empty butterbeer.

"To arresting people!" Halley declared, they clinked their glasses and burst out laughing again.

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