Chapter One | Disclosure

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"I would ask you the same question," Megatronus Prime looked at the Autobot that had supposedly invaded their base. Airachnid, Breakdown, and Soundwave stood behind their leader, slipping into defensive stances and warming their T-cogs, preparing to fight once the medic gave them a single excuse to do so.

"What do you mean, the same question?" Ratchet demanded. "You are in my base. And if you have hurt any of my team members I swear to Primus I will be the one to end you, Megatron!"

He glared into the blue optics of the Decepticon leader. The medic was not stupid, nor blind, he realized the Decepticons were sporting vastly different color schemes than they normally did, but at the moment he was scared, cornered, and outnumbered. Something as menial as colors did not matter at the moment.

Megatronus looked at him with utter confusion, wondering if "Megatron" was supposed to be an insult to him. The Autobot was oddly painted, sporting a purer chroma than his typical self. Though his rather feisty and cold attitude did not seem to have changed. What put off the Decepticon leader even more was the lack of corruption normally shown in his optics. They were blue and pure, like that of any other well-meaning Decepticon.

"I see you 'bots have already done some interior decorating," Breakdown gestured to the floor, where the large Autobot symbol stood out proudly. "I'm only going to ask you this one time, Autoscum: where is Knock Out?"

"Breakdown, wait," Megatronus held out a servo, surveying the base. "Something isn't right."

"Yeah, there's an Autobot in our base," Airachnid snarked, flaring her servos and pointing them at the medic, preparing to web him to the computers.

Like a poorly-timed joke, Miko's head popped up from behind the couch.

"Whoa, who did you pay for the new paintjobs?" She quipped, Ratchet hissing her name as she leaned over the backside of the furniture. "'Cuz I would go back and demand a refund. They look ugly."

"Miko?" Breakdown looked at her, absolutely flabbergasted. He immediately recognized that her purple hair had been switched to pink, her hair also changed from a single braid to two ponytails and a bit of extra hair tied in a loose pony behind her. 

"Something isn't right," Soundwave played the audio of his leader, re-iterating what they were all thinking. Their mass confusion lead to higher tensions, Ratchet sliding into a defensive position as the Decepticons pulled their EM fields in tight, preventing him from getting a proper reading on their emotions. Megatronus took a step forward, raising a servo to gesture that he meant no harm. 

"I believe we all need to take a moment to relax," he stated slowly, staying between his Decepticons and the Autobot, his gaze focusing on the three human children as they slowly made their presence known - aside from Miko, who had already revealed herself. "Jackson, where is your mother?"

That earned him a peculiar look. "What does it matter to you?" The young man could not help the snap, just as apprehensive and on edge as the rest of them. Decepticons in their base - regardless of what they claimed their intentions were - meant that the Autobots were not where they were supposed to be. 

Megatronus did not dwell on the retort, continuing. "We believe it would be best if our liason was here to sort things out," he explained.

"Liason?" Miko laughed. "Ha! She's a nurse."

"Miko! That was not-need-to-know information!" Jack snapped at her, the girl realizing her mistake and immediately shutting her mouth. Megatronus, nor the other Decepticons, sneered or took advantage of that in the slightest; instead, they looked at one another with the upmost confusion.

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