Teach Me How to Say Goodbye (Glaz)

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"Моя любовь (Moya lyubov; My love), take your time. I'll see you on the other side"

A hostage situation. We'd trained for this many times and been out on several missions with hostages. This was no different. Extract the hostage and eliminate the hostiles, the terrorist group known as the White Masks. I'll paint you a picture, after all that is something I'm good at. An after-ski resort in the alps in France. Large snowflakes falling from the sky onto the already snow covered ground. The entrances and the windows were all boarded up. Where was I in this picture? I was laying on my belly on a helipad covered in snow as my teammates made their way to the chalet. "Не трать ваши пуль (Ne trat' vashi pul'; Don't waste your bullets.)" I tell them. "Wouldn't dream of it любовь (lyubov; love)" (Y/N) said and shot me a smile before following the others. I chuckled and shook my head slightly. I'd taught her some Russian and it seemed like she was actually paying attention to my lessons. 

The closer we got to completing the mission the White Masks were getting more and more desperate. I had moved in closer and into the chalet. I checked the corners as I entered the cabin but what I didn't know was that a White Mask about to go outside. He flanked me. "(Y/N) How is it looking?" I asked her as I reached her. "It's looking good. Thermite has the hostage and is about to move out and- Get Down!" she shouted as she spotted a White Mask behind me. I whipped around and started firing and so did she. We got him, but not before he got me. "Timur, are you okay?" she asked as I turned around. "You're bleeding!" she said once she saw me holding my gut. "It would seem so...." I said as I tried to take a step towards her but my legs gave in so I didn't get very far. She rushed over to me. "You're gonna be okay. We'll get you out of here." she said as she helped me stand. She draped one of my arms over her shoulders and held onto my wrist. She placed one of her arms around my waist as she helped me walk out of the chalet. Once outside I had lost a lot of blood and was getting dizzy. Once more my knees gave in and (Y/N) couldn't hold my weight so I was once again laying on the ground. I turned to lie on my back and looked up at her kneeling by my side. "Timur you need to get up. Just a little bit longer... You just need to....-" she started but I cut her off. "Shh...Моя любовь (Moya lyubov; My love)." I said and I could see her start to cry. "I believe this is it for me" I stated. "No!" she yelled. "I will not make it. This is goodbye." I told her as I caressed her cheek with one of my hands. I wiped a tear from her cheek with my thumb. "Please don't cry. Just say goodbye so you don't have any regrets" she shook her head. "Please любовь (lyubov; love). Let me say goodbye" She looked down and sighed. "I don't know how to...." she admitted. Maybe not all of my Russian lessons had stuck. I chuckled. "Teach me how to say goodbye. One last time....Моя любовь (Moya lyubov; My love)" she said. "Прощай, моя любовь. (Proshchay, moya lyubov; Goodbye, my love). Прощай, goodbye." I said. "Прощай" she said and I smiled as a single tear made it's way out of the corner of my eye."Моя любовь (Moya lyubov; My love), take your time. I'll see you on the other side" Those were the last words I uttered before it went black. 

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Прощай" I said and he smiled. I saw a tear escape his eye. "Моя любовь (Moya lyubov; My love), take your time. I'll see you on the other side" he said and I leaned down and kissed him but he just laid there motionless. "Timur...? Timur!" I yelled as I shook him. "No... No please... don't leave me.... Я люблю тебя (Ya lyublyu tebya; I love you)" I told him as I cried. "I love you Timur... please... Please don't leave me...."

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