Gorgeous And Talented

Start from the beginning

As much as Vogue was nice and all, I wasn't interested in modeling. What I wanted was to immediately head off to university and follow my dreams, as cliche as it sounded, but it was my life.

"Mother, we talked about this. I don't..."

She raised a finger to stop me. "I have a deal for you."

"A deal?" I asked, not sure where this was heading.

"Yes, a deal. If you sign that..." She pointed to the envelope in my hand.

"Yes?" I said, impatiently waiting.

"Then...I'll sign for Yale."

My eyes widened in shock, not really sure if I heard correctly.

"You'll sign for Yale?" She confirmed with a firm nod.

Three months ago, I would have jumped up and down. But if I had to do that at the moment, my mother would probably disown me.

Well, at least she'd threaten to.

"Thank you."

Immediately I was in the privacy of my room, I did my own little victory dance. I was so excited.

But my excitement rapidly diminished. There was no one to share it with.


I hadn't seen her since graduation, four weeks ago. And things still hadn't been good between us before the graduation.

None of it was her fault. In fact, I'm the one who pushed her away.

News of my father's fraud case spread like wildfire. Everyone was talking about it at school, and people soon forgot that I was one of the populars, instead I became the topic of discussion.

I didn't want Christina involved with my problems, so I pushed her away.

But ironically, that wasn't the real reason why I pushed Christina away.

An image of gorgeous hazel eyes and dark wild curls formed at the back of my head.

It took me until only the next day after the barbeque for me to realize that I had been in a bad place when I ended whatever was going on between me and her.

"Suck it up, Olivia. It needed to be done, that's the end." Even as I encouraged myself, I walked to my desk and opened my laptop.

I went to the browser, and immediately typed in Shayne West.

Stalker, the voice in my head said, just like it did all the times I'd been doing this in the past three months.

I clicked search, and the first words that came were in bold.

Gorgeous and Talented
Right under the words was a photo of Shayne seated in a recording studio, and even though I'd seen the photo so many times, my heart still made a little somersault.

Those hazel eyes were looking right into the camera, as though they were looking straight at me.

Her full pink lips were curved into a sexy smirk, causing me to momentarily confuse the simple process of breathing.

Her elbows were leaning against her knees, long fingers clasped together.

Due to the Lakers basketball jersey vest she'd worn, her tattoos and toned arms were bare, and the sight of them had always made me crave for them to be around me.

That long and wild hair was tied back in a low and heavy afro puff, I craved to dig my fingers into it.

Under the photo was a short article.

Amber Pierce,
     Anyone wishing to be a Mrs. West? I know I am.
     This talented record producer is not only drop dead gorgeous, but she's also wealthy and young. Anyone thinking what I'm thinking?...yap, she's the whole package.
     The gorgeous LGBT member has not officially settled, but sources say that the sexy stud moves from female to female, breaking their hearts along the way.
      But if any of us are being honest, who wouldn't mind getting their heart broken? As long as you took a piece out of this, there is bound to be life long satisfaction.

Right after the article was a pic of a shirtless Shayne, sweaty and...

"Liv, have you..."

Immediately I saw my mother budge into my room, I shut my laptop.

"What are you doing?" she asked curiously as I tried to act casual.

"Porn." It was the only thing I could come up with.

Fortunately, she just gave me a I-cant-deal-with-this kinda look before she stepped out with her hand over her head.

Internet Shayne was all I had. She wasn't going to take her away from me, as painfully pathetic as it sounded.


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