Chapter 22: NEW YORK CITY!!!

Start from the beginning

(Krissy's P.O.V.)

"Hey Cat!"I said waving her over, she walked over happily. "Hey!"She said. "Do you wanna go sit in the seats?"I asked her. "Umm I don't think Paul would want that"Cat said. "thats why we have these!"i said handing her a pair of sunglasses and a jacket, she looked at me like I'm crazy, "Like These are going to do anything"She said, I begged her and of course she gave in! We snuck down to the seats, the boys were out on stage singing. Then they did questions. One of the hosts asked if we had a question we said yes. "Question over here guys!"The guy told them they looked over. "Hi!"They said, "whats your question babe?"Liam asked I smiled and tried to talk diffrently, "Omg I'm your biggest fan!"I said in a really. High pitched girl annyoing voice. "Thanks babe"Harry said. "I have a question for Niall!"I said, then motioned for me to go on, "Sso Kristina is your girlfriend? Do you really love her? And for all the guys If you had to say one thing thats annoying about her what would it be?"I really wanted to know this. "Intresting question haha, well yes she is my girlfriend, and I do love her very very much."Niall said smiling. "Annoying about her? She is here now so.."Niall began, "Actually Krissy left somewhere"Tony our security guard said, he was in on it! Niall nodded. "Krissy is anamazing girl, theres nothing annoying about her!"Niall said. I pretend coughed "Cough Lies!"I saif laughing. "I'll go! Its annoying how Nialler over here and Krissy always are all PDA and lovey dovey!"Zayn said laughing. Niall shot him a look, "She always see's the brightside of things! She can be a bit too peppy sometimes"Harry said, I raisied an eyebrow. "When Niall kisses her! NO KISSING MY ADOPTED DAUGHTER!"Louis screamed shaking Niall. I laughed. "Her laugh...sometimes"Harry said, I gasped. Which got me some odd looks. "Her laugh isn't"Liam said, "Admit it Liam"Harry said nodding. "Maybe sometimes...but rarely!"Liam said. Everyone laughed. "I don't think she is at all! Shes perfect the way she is"Niall said, which made the crowd Aww, "Aww Thats so sweet Ni"I said talking normal,then I realized what I did. "Krissy!?"Niall asked. My eyes widened, I took my glasses and hood off and waved. "Ohhh you guy just said how she's annoying!"Louis said slapping his neww. The crowd Oooh'd. "Hey! You girls are suppose to be backstage!"Paul yelled. "Opps! Gotta go"I said giggling and I ran out of there. "Okay next question!"The host said walking away. We got backstage. "Really girls? That wasn't safe"Paul scolded us. "Sorry"I said giving him the sorryest saddest face I could. "Don't let me catch you doing that again"Paul sighed, I hugged him."wont do it again!"i said. Now that Cat was calm and nice I Decided to ask her about Harry."So Cattt.."I said, "Yes Krissyyy?"She asked mimicing my tone. "You and Harry"I said, her smile went away. "What happened? I know he was drunk and he surely wasn't thinking right" I said. She stayed quiet. "Cat he kissed me on the plane and well you saw what happened. Tell me what he did."I said. She sighed. "He kept getting touchy and I kept telling him to go to bed but he got mad said hurtful things then he hit me"She said, my eyes widened. "Ohh Cat, I'm so sorry"I said. "Luckily Liam was there and helped me."She said, I hugged her, "I'm sure he didn't mean to, he wasn't thinking straight"I said she nodded. "I know I just feel, well"She began to say but stopped. "I know, you just, like, blehh haa"I said laughing. "She smiled. "Thanks"Cat said. We went back to the side of the stage. The boys had just finished. "Hey Ni"I said hugging her. He kissed my cheek. "Hello Princess"He said. He gave me a buttefly kiss, I giggled. "Hey guys! Is this annoying for you"I asked raising an eyebrow. "You know we didn't mean that"Zayn said. "Mmmhmm"I said. They laughed. Then Harry took Cat away to talk to her. "So what happened with them?"Niall asked me. "Harry Hit her"I whispered, His eyes widened, "Are you serious??"He asked shocked, I nodded. "But Harry, he'd never-"Niall began "I know, you would never think he'd do that but then he did."I said. "I'd never do that to you"Niall said, I smiled "I know..Poor Cat"I said. He looked over at them, they looked like they were fighting. "Should we go over there? I think there fighting.."Niall asked me. "I think we should all leave them alone"Liam said butting in our conversation. We agreed. "So we have 4 hours untill our concert! What do you wanna do?"Niall asked me, I shrugged. "Good! Cause We already have plans!" Niall said smiling. I looked at him confused. "Ready to go?"Ashley said calling us over. "Huh?" I walked over confused. "We have a double date!"Ashley said smiling, "Really! I didn't know! Cool!" I said smiling, then we walked to the front, we then watched Zayn desperetly try to get a cab, it was hilarious! "HELLOO!!? I NEED A CAB! HELLO!"Zayn shouted waving his arms I laughed. "Watch and learn"I said smiling. He moved aside. I waved my hand and went on my tippy toes. I whistled and said "Taxii!" then a taxi cab came on to the side for me. Zayn's eyes widened, "How did- you just- ugh!"Zayn said. I smiled. "Central Park Please"Niall said to the driver, "So what are we doing?"I asked. "Well, first were going for a little boat ride just the 4 of us, then a picnic! And maybe if we have time check out the central park zoo!"Niall said smiling, "Sounds like fun!"I said excited. We got to the park and Niall payed the driver. He then took us to the lake, there was a little row boat there. "Aww its so cute!"i said running over there. We all got in the boat, it was cozy. Zayn and niall rowed the boat, we got pretty far. We stopped by a bridge. "Aww look! A duck! Hi ducky!"I said pointing to a duck, then followed was baby ducks! "Awww!!!"Ashley said taking pictures of them. I opened my purse, "Hey! Do you think ducks like protein bars?"I asked holding a balence bar in my hand. "I don't think so"Zayn said. I shrugged. "Haha there so cute and cuddly! They remind me of you Niall!"Zayn said smiling. "Thanks?"Niall said laughing. I stayed close to Niall, Zayn decided to paddle for awhile. Then we played a game! I wasn't sure of the rules but I got the hang of it. "I Love You more then the mommy duck loves her babies"I said smiling, "I love you more than that fish needs water"Niall said smiling. "I love you more than that bird loves to fly"I said leaning my head on his shoulder. "I Love you more than, than... Haha Than that fat squierl loves his nuts!"Niall said laughing, my eyes wideded "I meant like peanuts!"Niall said laughing. I smiled, "Surree"I said, he gave me butterfly kisses. I giggled. Then I heard a cough, we pulled away. Zayn and Ashley were looking at us Awkwardly. I smiled, "Err, soo...I'll paddle!"I said smiling. I grabbed the paddles, "Umm Princess I can paddle!"Niall said trying to grab the paddles, I didn't let him. "I can"I said laughing. I tried to paddle, it was hard!! After about 10 minutes I had only pushed the boat about 2 feet. I huffed. "Want me to?"Niall asked, I nodded sheepishly, "Why don't we go back? Food time?"I asked he agreed he paddles us back, the whole time Zayn and Ashley were alittle awkward together, they kissed but I guess I made the mood awkward.. "Why don't you play that game!"I said. They looked at me strangely. "Okay, umm what me and Niall were doing! Zayn start! You say I Love You More than..."I began motioning him to go on. He nodded, "Uhh, I Love You More than I love my mirrors"Zayn said smirking. Ashley went on. "I Love You More than the birds love to eat bread haha"She said, they kept going on, then they started full snogging, "Well I'll turn around"I said rubbing the back of my neck. I turned and faced Niall, "Hi Nialler"I said smiling, "Hello Princess!"He said. He looked like he was getting tired from paddling, "Can I help?"I asked him, "Its okay, I'm good"He said, I didn't buy it, "Okay? Come on , let me help you"I said laughing, I grabbed one of the paddles and began to paddle, I started to get the hang of it! We got back to land, Niall and Zayn led us to a hill. They placed a picnic basket on the ground and a blanket, then they spread out the food. We all sat down. "Aww guys this is perfect! Thats so sweet of you to do this"I said admiring the scenery. "Yeah, this is absolutely amazing"Ashley said smiling. We began to eat the food, it was really good! "Who made this?"I asked taking another bite. "Uhhh, Us?"Niall said, I took another bite, "Okay, who really made this?"I asked them laughing. "Harry"The said at the same time. We all laughed. Then a couple of girls came up to us "Omg Your from One Direction!!"One girl shouted. Security soon came, "We just want a Picture!" the other girl said, "Come on"I whispered to Niall, he rolled his eyes, "Tony? One picture wont hurt"Niall said smiling. Soon two other girls came. "Okay, okay but only these four!"Tony said. "OHHHMAAHHGOSH"The new girl said fanirling with her friend. I smiled. "Remember when that was us?"I asked Ashley she nodded laughing. "Omg! Your Kristina and Ashley!!"The girl said. I smiled. "Yeah"I said. "Omg I'm Kate! I love you guys! I made a twitter for you and Niall!"Kate said smiling widely. I smiled back, "I-I'm Olivia! And I made one for you and Zayn! "he friend said, who was still freaking out. "Aww thanks"Ashley said. "Omg Olivia thats really them over there! Why aren't we talking to them!? Omg they are perfection!!"Kate said slapping her friends arm. "Haa you want to meet them?"I asked her smiling. "YES OMG THAT WAOULD BE AMAZING BUT IM JUST AHHHH"Kate said fangirling I smieled and we brought them over. The other girls were going to get a picture. "Can you take a picture of us?"The blonde girl askee me, "Sure!"I said taking the camera. Niall and Zayn got on the sides of her. "Wait, I just want to take one with Zayn" The brunette one said. Niall's smile went away, then he walked off the picture. "That bitch"I heard Kate mumble to herfself. "Babe? You okay?"I asked him. "Yeah, everythings okay."He said, I could tell that hurt him. "No, that was not okay, that was rude"I said, then I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Umm Krissy, would Niall mind if I said something to him?"Asked Olivia timidly. I smiled "He's right here!"I said moving to the side. "Hi Babe"Niall said smiling, Olivia's eyes widened."I- that- umm hahaha Hi"She said blushing. "That girl doesn't deserve to take a picture with you, don't care about her! Shes an idiot to not want to hug you or take a picture. Shes lucky to be within 20 feet of you"Olvia said smiling. "Thanks babe, thats really sweet of you"Niall said hugging her, she hugged him back, The biggest smile on her face. I smiled. "YOUR NOT WORTHY OF TAKING A PICTURE WITH NIALL!!" I heard a girl shout. "FUCK OFF"Another girl shouted. It was Kate and the girl who didn't want to take a picture with Niall, they were at it! Soon security came and took both girls away. Olivia was the only one who got to stay. "Could I get a picture with all of you?"She asked. They agreed I grabbed the camera and Niall and Zayn got beside her. "Wait! You guys too!"Olivia said pointing to Me and Ash. "Us?"Ashley asked looking shocked, Olivia nodded, we smiled and went in the picture. "Thanks!!"Olivia said before running off. Nice girl... We went back to our picnic. It was nice, then It started to rain... "AHHH!! Im all wet now!"Ashley screamed. We all got us packing all out stuff as quickly as possible. I stopped, and just started laughing. I got a few strange looks but then Niall joined me. "May I have this dance?"Niall asked holding out his hand, I gladly accepted it. We danced in the rain. Soon Ashley and Zayn were too! We were all soaked by now. I looked into Niall's eyes. We stopped dancing, we just stood there looking at each other smiling. Then he leaned in and kissed me, it was probably the best kiss we've ever shared. We slwly pulled apart, keeping our face close, only inches away. "I Love You"He said, and I knew he truely meant it. "I Love you too"I said then we kissed again, untill we were interuped. "Aww how sweet. Okay time to go!"Tony said pulling us apart and to the car. It was 7:00 already. We had to go to the concert. I didn't mind endeing our date early, it may have bbeen cut short, but it ended with the bet kiss....

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