chapter 14

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jungkook was running like crazy in order to make it to the cafe where he would be meeting yoongi in time.

he took a deep breath before entering, not wanting yoongi to notice he was running.

the cafe was cozy, there were never too many people there, that's why the two of them liked going there. it didn't happen all too often though, seen as yoongi and jungkook were more likely to hang out at home. but sometimes, when yoongi noticed that the younger hadn't left his apartment in days, he would literally force him to meet up at the cafe.

jungkook hadn't always been like this. he hadn't been the person to just stay at home for days without going out to even go grocery shopping or just for a walk.

he used to have many friends, everybody wanted to hang out with him. almost every girl had a huge crush on him, but jungkook wasn't the typical bad boy who would just fuck a girl and then never talk to her again.

in the last year of high school, people started wondering why such a good-looking guy as jungkook hadn't been in a relationship yet. jungkook was asking that himself too, every day. but he hated the fact that everyone saw him as the 'handsome guy'. he was more than that. he was jungkook.

he was mad at himself for not being able to find interest in any girl. his parents told him that they didn't have any problem with gay people, the just wouldn't want their son to be like that.

so the thought of him possibly being interested in guys didn't even come to his mind. maybe he just hadn't met the right girl yet? not everybody has to have their first relationship in high school. or their first crush.

at least that's what he thought.

well long story short, a certain guy fucked up all of jungkook's hopes of not being gay.

his name was yugyeom and yes, he was just as hot as his name sounds like.

jungkook fell for him pretty quickly, ignoring the fact that his parents would hate him for liking a boy. but they didn't have to find out, right?

yugyeom and jungkook started meeting secretly, the only person knowing about this being their closest friends.

but what would life be if it didn't fuck up everything when it seemed too perfect?

jungkook still doesn't know how his parents found out, the only sure thing is they kicked him out.

in addition to that, the whole school found out. jungkook would have never thought that most of his "friends" would be homophobic shits.

and as if that wasn't enough, yugyeom broke up with jungkook. he "didn't want to be hated by everyone at school because of being gay".

thank god, one person still existed that practically kept jungkook alive. yoongi offered him to stay at his house for as long as he needed, at least until the younger would finish high school.

jungkook agreed since he didn't have anywhere else to stay and there were only a few weeks of school left anyway.

he also found a job. not really well paid, but at least it was enough to pay the bills for a small apartment near yoongi's.

school was over, and the only thing jungkook was doing was working in order to have enough money to pay the bills and eat.

when he wasn't working, he was either at home, with yoongi or going to the gym, which was the only place where he was able to let out his frustration and anger.

at least he now had a nice body, right? :,))

now, two years later, jungkook had found a job at a big company, allowing him to work less and earn more money.

yet he had stopped going out, meeting new people or trying to socialize in any other way.

his only friends were yoongi and jimin, even though he only knew jimin because he was yoongi's boyfriend.

oh excuse me, autocorrect, i meant to say yoongi's 'friend'

that's why yoongi was always overprotective. he knew that jungkook wasn't able to go through anything similar ever again. especially the fact that in these two years jungkook's parents hadn't even called him once, not even on his birthday, had broke the younger.

and that's also why jungkook was so excited about meeting taehyung. he hoped he would be able to make him forget, to make him start again. even just as a friend.

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