
"Damn it !" I groan hitting the alarm .

"Amelia , get up . Anais will be here in an hour so get ready . I'm leaving the house now ." She says and I think that she's gone so I close my eyes again .

"I love you Amelia ." She says and I groan .

"Yeah I love you too mom ." I say getting up into the cold air that was always awaiting me .

"Stupid weather ." I grumble walking into my black and white themed bathroom where I run a bath of water for myself .

I pour my vanilla scented bubble bath . I test the water realizing that it's perfect so I get out of my pajamas and get into the water as fast as I can so that I don't freeze to death . I laugh at my own inside joke and I start bathing so that I can get dressed .

By the time I'm done with everything I make my way downstairs so that I can make my breakfast , but on my way to the kitchen the door bell rings so I answer it .

"Just my luck ." I groan as soon as I open it .

"It's always good to see you Em ." My teacher smiles rolling her eyes .

"I was literally just about to make breakfast ." I say walking to the kitchen .

"Eat so that you can take your pills ." She sits on a stool .

I pop some bread into the toaster and I make coffee for myself and Anais . I'm not allowed to drink coffee but I feel as if I need the caffeine boost so I'm going to do what I want .

"You're not allowed to drink coffee so don't think about it ." Anais stops me .

"But Ana , I literally need this or I'm going to die ." I groan pleading with her .

"Stop using that word , either way you are going to die with the coffee so stop ." She scolds me .

"You're such a bore ." I groan . Instead of coffee I go with tea .

I put some butter into my toast and I start eating .

"Today we aren't going to have a big lesson because your mother told me about what happened earlier on so I don't want to strain you ." She smiles into her mug .

"Can't you just cancel today's lesson ?" I chuckle and she shakes her head .

"You want to do good and get a degree right ?"

"There's no point in me learning if I'm just going to die ." I shrug moving my dishes to the sink .

I walk up to my bedroom knowing that Ana is following me so I sit behind my table as she enters .

"There's so much more to life Em ." She says putting her bag onto her table .

Imagine this , I've got a huge room when I don't need one . On one side it's where I learn and on the other side is where I sleep . Apparently I needed a big room so that I don't feel constricted which could normally lead to panic attacks . Well this room made me feel worse because I felt as if a piece of me was missing . Oh that's right , I've got a hole only heart .

"Okay , well it is Thursday and tomorrow is your day off . I'm going to test you on what you've learnt this week ." Ana informs me so I take a black pen out .

She hands me a paper and I get to work . Roughly writing in the answers and I finish so I give her the paper which she marks .

"Well this is the best you've done . I'm actually proud of you ." She walks to my table with my test paper in hand .

"How much did I get this time ?" I ask a bit excited .

"Well you got an eighty five percent . Not bad but I know that you can do better ." She says taking my paper back .

"I feel like I cannot handle anymore knowledge ." I rub my temples .

"Get some rest okay Em , I will see you on Monday ." She puts an encouraging hand on my shoulder and I yawn .

"Have a lovely weekend ." I walk her out and see her drive off to wherever she pleases .

I walk over to the lounge where I watch a bit of television . It's the same everyday , Ana comes we learn for about three hours then she leaves . I get bored and start watching television , as soon as that's boring I play games on my phone . I eventually just drown myself in food where as I take pills afterwards then I'm knocked dead because of the pills .

I've always wanted to go outside of the house but it seems everything out of the house is toxic to me . I can't work out because that could strain me , I have to make sure I don't sweat because my heart pumps way too fast . I can't walk like a paranoid person because that leads to my heart beat going at a quicker rate . I literally feel like dying because there's nothing I can do .

This disease that I have is a problem because the hole , ten years ago was too big to be fixed surgically so we relied on pills , it seems as if there is a bit of movement but I've given up . I hear the same thing every time I got to an appointment because I know that I will be disappointed . I've just wanted to live normally again . Mom and dad are constantly working so that they can save up for this and I honestly just feel like I'm a burden .

I want to learn how to drive , go to the mall with my nonexistent friends , have a first kiss , go out to a party , taste alcohol . I just want to have a great life like those girls in the movies . I envy them because they can do literally anything .

I hear the door opening so I walk into my bedroom and act as if I'm sleeping because one thing I don't want is to have a conversation with my dad and anyways he's probably going to sleep because of the long hours he has to work because of me . We used to be such a happy family but I rarely see anyone from my family .

A few hours after imagining a great life I walk downstairs to see my parents having dinner on the table so I walk up to the table .

"Oh dear , I didn't want to wake you up ." My mom says and I roll my eyes .

"What's wrong ?" My dad says to me .

"Mom and dad , I've been thinking about this for a long time now . I don't exactly know how to say this but I want to live a normal life . I want to attend school ." I smile up at their horrified faces .

• • •


Amelia is crazy 😂🙈


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