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Dumped in to darkness
All of his money had been stolen from his runaway bride.
Diana Fresco

David went inside the office, confusing
All of his stuff had been taken away.
"Sir David, I hope that you won't be offended because-" his manager patted his shoulder

"Why!? " He became furious and outraged, smashing the boxes away from him. He saw his manager and choked him against the wall.
"What do you think about me? A stranger?"
"Call the police!" His secretary yelled
"The police?" David turned his head to the secretary
"No-no it's ecilop please!!!" She cried out
"Find me out dude" his manager kicked his left side and pushed him against the table
Eunice walked towards the talking TV, guessing that morning news.
Breaking News
The co-worker David Wells had a fight with a CEO manager...

"Ha! You fellow who breaks my heart and cheat me" she pointed at the TV
"You are nothing to me!"

And sent off to the police station for imprisonment

"Good Judgement" she said

But he ran away

"What!" Her eyes widened

Reckless [In Progress]Where stories live. Discover now