That Forbidden Love

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It was known that Angels and Demons had some sort of unspoken war against each other, how they would fight yet decided to leave things as it is. Each realm had their own set of rules, each with their own punishments. And while the demons were thought to have the worst, surprising as it is, turns out angels aren't as pure as most would think.

It was a clear night, no clouds in sight as the stars above twinkled brightly, a perfect night for stargazing. A certain demon probably thought of the same thing, or maybe he just thought it looked okay to take a trip to Heaven and visit a certain angel. Taking said angel down to the grasslands of the mortal realm as they both laid down, looking above. The angel's eyes widened with wonderment, despite being in the skies himself he often envied the mortals for being able to look upon them on nights like this, to lie down and see as stars twinkled or if meteors shot by, known as shooting stars. Sans knew all the stars by heart, naming each of them and stating how bright they were, both apparent and absolute. Red would just look down at the slightly smaller angel, never thinking something he was suppose to hate would make him feel anything.

"Are you even listening?," Sans asked as he turned to face the horned skeleton. He scoffed, shifting his red eye lights to look at the other.

"Was I suppose to?," he said grinning as the other gave him a mixture of both a pout and a scowl. And honestly the attempt made the angel look all the more prettier and, well cuter.

"You're unbearable you know that right," said Sans. "Luckily, I love these shining fireballs so much that I don't find it in me to be mad at you."

"Aw was that suppose to make me feel better?," teased Red, his sharp teeth forming a smirk as his golden tooth seem to give off some sort of shine. Gods did that really get on Sans' nerves. He just turnen and crossed his arms, using his wings to cover his body. Red couldn't help but chuckle at the whole ordeal, watching as the smaller skeleton seemed to pout and try to completely block him out.

Red sat up, smiling as he grabbed the other's wings gently and moved them away. "Oh come on don't hide your cute little face from me sweetheart," he said, shining a grin at Sans as he winked his left eye. Sans dared to look at Red, mostly cause he was gonna yell how rude it was to touch an angel's wing, however he felt his heart freeze as he looked closely at the demon. At his horns which were cracked and broken, at the two scars comming down his right eye. At the golden tooth that seemed to shine brighter than the stars, despite not having brightness itself. But mostly, it was the other's eyes that captured him. How they flowed the brightest red, yet we're deep and forbidden, slowly trapping him in the dark and dangerous hell the demon himself came from. Yet despite that, he knew the other had no intent to harm him. If so he would've done long ago, and that thought itself, the thought that someone cared, made Sans' soul flutter a bit.

Yet despite these feelings, despite him wanting to just tell Red what he felt and how he just wanted the other to hold him, to be near him and to just fricking be able to wrap his arms around him, he knew it was forbidden. Angels were strictly prohibited from falling in love with demons. He who was a judge would obviously know that, yet he was just a normal judger of deceased mortals' fates, he wasn't the judger on angels. Tempting with the rules like this would be a punishment he could never ever get away from. And despite his aching soul, he liked his life as it was. He quickly pulled his wing away, bringing his knees up as he crossed his arms over them. They were just friends, that wasn't as bad.

"You know it's extremely rude to touch any angel's wings," said Sans, giving off a glare to the demon. "Then again isn't that what you do best?"

Red probably thought he was sick or something, because he actually felt a bit, insulted. Why? He really didn't know, he would always praise those failed attempts to offend him because honestly he never cared. He was a demon wasn't he? Yet when those words came out of Sans' mouth, he felt something deep down in his chest. He didn't know why nor what it was, but he didn't want the other to see it. So, with a grin, he snarkly replied "aw thanks for the compliment sweetheart."

That Forbidden Love (Kustard AU fic)Where stories live. Discover now