Chapter 17: Kisses

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(Y/N's POV)

We finally arrived at our home and entered, I walk out to the bathroom to check how my bruise is. As I look at the mirror I saw my bruise looks like from hell. I just washed my face with cold water and exit the bathroom.

The girls are cooking some dinner and they say if I should eat, I just told them I pass for now and walked upstairs to my room. I removed my hoodie jacket and flopped myself in bed.

I don't even have the time for anything right now...

I closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep in my bed.

I woke up from the same nightmare I was having from the other day but somehow its not worse as before. I look at the time and its just 5:48pm, I got up from my bed and made my way to the bathroom downstairs.

I splash myself with cold water and brushed my teeth,after those and I glance at the mirror and my face look pale for some reason. I went out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen to cook some breakfast.

I just cook some bacon and eggs for breakfast and place some plates on the table. I finished cooking the food and putted them in each plate, I ate mine and after those I went to the bathroom and begin to shower.

A while after I finished showering the girls then woke up and went to the kitchen to eat their breakfast. I went to my room and change into my uniform and waved goodbye at the girls then I walk out of the house and started to walk my way to school.

1week later....

(Natsuki's POV)

After for like a week of secretly building the tree house we finally made it,we just need some furniture for like a some small foldable bed and our stuff.

After for like half an hour of putting our stuff in the tree house we then climbed up the ladder that we made and went inside. I sit on the bed and began reading manga while the others are doing their stuff.

"I'm exhausted." Sayori said while sweating.

"You can say that again." I said not looking away from my manga.

"Well atleast we finally build the tree house." Monika answered.

"What will happen if Y/N finds out our tree house?" I ask.

"Well let's just put a sigh that says no boys allowed." Monika said.

"Well thats a good idea." Yuri answered while looking of the hole that is used for our window.

"I'm bored guys what do we do." Sayori whines.

"Yeah me too,what do we do then." I said closing my manga and putting it in a box.

"Let's play a game and who ever wins from first to last will be lucky to kiss Y/N when he is not in school~." Monika said while giggling.

Me,Sayori's and Yuri's face then jerked up from what she just said.

"I'm in for that!" Sayori yelled.

"Me too.." Yuri said.

"Well I'm gonna win anyway so I'll join." I said.

"Okay let's start playing when Y/N is here." Monika answered.

3 days later..

(Y/N's POV)

Today is a boring day graduation is almost there all we need is to wait 5 more days. I'm even feeling a bit sad or happy by that,maybe its because my friends will be in college so thats the sad part and the happy one is I'm finally free to that hell of a school.

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