Chapter 14: Amusement

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(Sayori's POV)

"So which ride should we go first?" Y/N said.

We look around for a minute thinking where should we go first.

"Oh!! How about that bumper cars! Can we go?!" I excitedly ask.

They nodded and we went ahead there,I started running towards the bumper cars booth quietly ahead of the the others then we wait in line.

After the long line in front of us it is finally our turn Y/N gave a ticket to the man then we went to which bumper car we want.I sit down on one of the bumper car and Natsuki sits with me,after a minute a beep sound then appeared and we all started our bumper cars.

Me and Natsuki have been taking turns on the steering wheel. We bumped into William and Grace and keep bumping into each other.

"I'll make sure you'll fly out of the field Sayori!!" William yelled.

"Oh yeah,well you'll be the first!" I yelled back.

After for about a few seconds later bumping to each other I look at natsuki then grin.

"Hey Natsuki!" I said.

"Yeah!" She said.

"Will you do the honors?" I said to her as I point to the steering wheel.

Natsuki grinned from the steering wheel then took it. She just recklessly bumped into anyone in our way. After for a few minutes the beep sound then appeared again and all the bumper cars had stopped. We all stepped out of the bumper cars and exit the booth.

We then went to a haunted house and entered there,as we walk inside the haunted house it kinda scares the heck out of me so I keep screaming. On the other side Yuri is kinda engrossed of the surroundings not scared at all.

While we keep walking a zombie then appeared beside me and it grabbed my shoulders. I then scream from the zombie grabbing me.

"AHHH!!" I scream then slapped the zombie.

"Ow! Why you do that?!" The zombie then let go of my shoulders and held its cheek.

"Oh....I didn't know that zombies can talk." I said innocently.

The others then laugh as hard as they can including the zombie. Then we continue to walk until we reached the end, we finally got out of that horiffying haunted house and then we went to a game corner that gives you a prize when you win.

Y/N then paid 4 dollars to the man even though it cost 1 dollar per game. Maybe he'll play four times? Yeah I think thats it.

(Y/N's POV)

After I paid the man I then started to play,as I focus on the cups I then throw the ball then it hit all of them.

"Again." I said then the man gave me another ball.

The others look confused on why I was playing again even though I already won. I focus again on the cups then throw and I hit them all again.

"Game 3 please." I said then the man gave me another ball again.

I throw the ball again and then hit them all,again.

"Last game." I said then he gave me one last ball.

I focus again then I flick the ball from my hand as hard as I can then hit all the cups again.

The others looked shocked on me with winning four games. Maybe I'm just lucky? I smirked at them then I look at the four girls.

"Which prize would you girls want?" I ask.

The girls' face then jerked up then smiled, they started to get the prize they want. Sayori picked a blue giraffe,Monika picked a green monkey,Natsuki picked a pink cat and Yuri picked a purple bear stuffed animals.( yeah all colors based on their eye colors okay you happy? )

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