Chapter 5: You're Kidding Right?

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(Grace's POV)

"So what are you going to say that is important that Steve say?" I ask Y/N with a slight concern on my voice.

"Ughhh,so you m-might not believe me b-but what I'm going to t-tell you g-guys is real." He said nervously.

"Okay go on" William replied.

"So you see you already know about the game DDLC right?" He questioned.

We all nodded.

"Well,when I woke up this morning I saw the four girls in my house and they're real."


"Wait! So the four of them are at your house?!" William ask loudly making the other students stare at him.

"Sshhhh!! Don't talk so loud! Anyway yeah they're at my house. I'm also gonna take them out to the mall to buy them some clothes and stuff." Y/N said.

"Okay,but how?" Steve ask him.

"But how what?" Y/N ask innocently.

"How did the girls came to your house?"

"I don't know either. I just saw them out of nowhere."

I'm kinda confused on the situation Y/N is having that the girls from DDLC appeared at his house. Well never mind that,the thing is he is alright,I'll just do everything I can to help him. After our conversation the school bell rang and it's now time to go to our next period. We left the cafeteria as we all depart to our ways,me and Steve walk together to our class as I remembered his my classmate at this subject. We entered the classroom and make our way to our seats...

(William's POV)

While I was in the middle of class right now, I look over to the window deep in thoughts. I started thinking about what Y/N said earlier,"How the hell,did those girls became real?" I thought to myself. As I was about to continue my thinking until my professor suddenly calls me.

"William Timothy,are you even listening to what I was lecturing?!" Professor Hawkins ask me.

"Y-yes sir, I was." I nervously said.

"Well, can you explain the lesson we were having?"


Shit. I got caught off guard there...."Well, I'm Doomed." I thought to myself......

(Y/N's POV)

Have I overdone it? I hope that I didn't made them freaked out or something. Oh,why am I thinking this way of course it's obvious for them to freak out like that especially when they heard about the girls are real. Once I'm done with school today we will head to the mall,time to also use my car it's been so long since I last used it. I wonder what are the girls doing at the house today?

(Natsuki's POV)

"Gimme some of them,PLEASE!!!" Sayori begs while struggling to get the cookie jar from my hands.

"No Sayori! You almost like eat half of the cookie jar! And you're also not the only one that's gonna eat the cookie." I said to her as I ran away upstairs to a room.

"Hey!! Come back here!"

"Not if you catch me first!"

I closed the door then locked it.

"Open the door Natsuki! I want that cookie!!" Sayori shouted from the door.

"Nope! It's all mine now,hahahaha!!" I said evilly.

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