Chapter 3

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"What happen-" Before Jin could finish his sentence the members were tugging at Jin's hair, pinching his cheeks, and hugging him to death (Jimin). Jin was pushing his members, well trying to at least. Who was he kidding? Jin couldn't even push Yoongi in his older body and he was trying to push all his dongsaengs. He gave up squirming and started shouting.
"Hey, give me some space guys!"
"But you're just so cute." Jimin replied in defense, but everyone knew how much Jin did not like it when they got touchy. Everyone backed away not taking their eyes off of the beautiful site in front of them. Everyone still was wondering what the heck happened.
"We need to fix this, but don't tell Bang Si-Hyuk please!" Jin pleaded desperately while pouting. The group's heart melted at how cute Jin was.
"We can go to the hospital for a check up?" Suga suggested.
"That's a good idea!" Jin joyfully said hugging him. The others glared at Yoongi there eyes full of envy.
"Now I will be fixed." Jin thought.
The members cleaned up there breakfast and quickly raced upstairs. Jin stumbled on his loose pajama pants and almost fell off the stairs.  Instead of feeling pain he felt like he was levitating, except for the harsh grip on his waist. Jin opened his eyes which were instinctively closed tightly shut. He saw Taehyung gripping on his waist while holding on to the railing.
"Be careful hyung." V whispered in Jin's ear sending shivers down his spine and causing him to blush.
"S-sorry." Jin stuttered out. Tae chuckled.
"Cute."Jin rushed to his room and started dressing up. He wore his loose hoodie which went down to his mid thigh. His skinny jeans he could never fit into but fit perfectly now and his white sneakers which was supposed to be Jimin's birthday gift but it was too small for Jimin's feet.

 His skinny jeans he could never fit into but fit perfectly now and his white sneakers which was supposed to be Jimin's birthday gift but it was too small for Jimin's feet

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Jin darted downstairs where the group waited patiently. The members were still in shock with there hyung's transformation. The members couldn't help but stare at Jin with his cute oversized hoodie. The group went to the car and headed to the hospital. The Kpop group thought they could peacefully go to the hospital, but a group of fangirls were headed there way. Before the stampede could reach them the group hid Jin in the middle and ran towards the entrance of the hospital. At that moment the appointment Yoongi scheduled for Jin a nurse came out of the door.
"Appointment for Kim Seok J-" The nurse was interrupted as the group cut him off by running in the door as the fans were trailing behind them.
"Sorry patients only." The nurse said to the fans glaring at them. The girls trudged off sadly not being able to face their favorite Kpop band. The nurse shut the door and faced the band.
"Hello I am Mr. Sanduel! Which one
of you is Kim Seokjin?"
"I a-am sir." Jin raised his hand nervously.
"Okay we will lead into a room where the doctor will check you." The nurse sweetly said as they walked through the hallway.
"What seems to be the case, you look healthy to me and I observed you don't have any injuries that I could see." The nurse said straight forward to the point.
"Just to make sure I am okay." Jin said lying to the nurse.
"Okay here is you're room wait here till the doctor comes. You're friends can stay with you since I suspect you are all famous.  Am i wrong?" The group nodded. The band walked in the room. It was an awkward and silent 5 minutes. The members just stood there staring at Jin. Oh how they wanted Jin to be theirs. The stared at Jin till the doctor came in through the door in a hurry.
"Hello I am Dr. Ken! Nice to meet you Kim Seok Jin." The doctor said
looking up and down at the boy.
"What seems to be the problem?" The doctor said raising his one eyebrow in confusion of the clearly healthy boy in front of him. The members didn't think that far with their plan. The group had to make a lie up at that moment.
"Umm...uhh...." Jin was as startled at the question as the others. None of the lies were good enough.
"It seems you guys are not sure of why you came here. Jin where are your guardians? You don't  look like you're a legal adult." Everyone was sweating they didn't want to say the truth.
"I am 25 years old." (I am using BTS's American age because in Korea when your born you are like already 1 year old. I don't know about this age system in Korea.) Jin said boldly, but the doctor burst out laughing.
"That's a joke." The members were angry. They wanted to find answers to this, but the doctor couldn't take it seriously.
"Then how hold is he?" V snapped at Dr. Ken.
"I don't know, but I could take a DNA test to find his age." The doctor suggested.
"That will take an hour though." Dr. Ken added. The members nodded they agreed in doing the test. After the procedure was done it was already lunch time. The band headed to their favorite restaurant where they ordered (insert type of food you want them to eat or something). They ate deliciously. The food was so nice after a frustrating morning. When they finished they went back to the hospital where there were no fangirls surprisingly. They head back to Dr. Ken.
"You might not know this but as people age, they build up the same set of specific DNA changes at the same time. So, 25 year olds have a certain change beca-"
"What are the results." RM said bluntly.
"Jin has a DNA set typical to a 16 year old." The doctor answered annoyed at being interrupted.
"THAT'S 4 YEARS YOUNGER THAN ME." Jungkook yelled in surprise. Jin was flustered, so many questions were in his head, but everyone had the same question.
"HOW!!!!" The members were so shocked. Each telling the doctor a different question to explain this.
"I don't get paid enough for this." Dr. Ken mumbled under his breath as he walked away with the disappointed members. How has the group supposed to tell Hitman Bang now that they know Jin can't be fixed? They had a concert too which was coming up. The members were so screwed.

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