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"YO!" Yoongi groaned at the voice, lifting a book from his face that he was sleeping under to peer out from the pages of nonsense written on them. When he did, his eyes landed on the outline of a man he didn't want to see, let alone be listening to at the moment. He groaned again with a roll of his eyes. Mischievousness 75%. And that stupid grin on his face doesn't look too promising either.

"Can't you see I'm busy, Jungkook?" Yoongi questioned, replacing the book over his eyes. In a split second the book fell to the ground, signaling that Jungkook had knocked it off. Yoongi gritted his teeth. "What's the big idea?"

A smile adorned Jungkook's face, the brunette shining with a sense of superiority that he didn't possess. Obnoxious Confidence 100%. He slammed down a stack of paper onto Yoongi's desk, reaching as high as the ceiling. Yoongi gaped at the stack. "I have some paperwork for you. The boss told me to pass it along." That damn Namjoon... "Oh! And here's that report on the kid." Jungkook handed over the manila folder. "Although I don't get why you'd need it."

Yoongi sat upright with a stretch before taking the folder and opening it, letting the words flow through his mind. "To be quite honest, neither do I. But didn't Namjoon fill you in?"

Jungkook took a seat next to the inspector, resting his head in his hand. "No, he just told me to get the report."

"Well, for some reason I can't see this kid."

"Wait, seriously?" Jungkook sounded surprised, which Yoongi expected, and he moved closer to Yoongi. "You can't see any numbers or stats like you usually can?"

Yoongi shook his head. "No, and I can't see an outline of his body or even any flecks of red. I'm completely blind to this guy."

Jungkook groaned for a moment and sat up straight. "I doubt you'll find anything useful, since that's just a basic report. Plus there's no photo of this kid, so finding this information was difficult." Park Jimin. October 13. 21. Blood Type A. Student at Korea University. Hometown of Busan. Just like what Jungkook said, all of the basics and nothing of true importance to Yoongi. None of it made any sense, so he figured the best way to get a start on the reason is to go visit the kid on his own. The report had his address down so Yoongi copied it and began to get up, not before being stopped by Jungkook.

"Where are you going? You have a bunch of paperwork to do."

Yoongi only smiled and looked around the room. "I have plenty of people around me who can do it for me. If not, there's a nifty trash bin right next to my desk." Yoongi waved him off and turned around, but he was stopped once again when Jungkook flashed another case file in his face.

"Aren't you a little interested in the real reason I came by?" The detective raised an eyebrow in question, halting his motions to listen. Jungkook cleared his throat and began reading off information. "It's that one case about that accident a while back. Your little play thing that you are so worried about right now? He bares striking resemblances to that victim. His name, date of birth and hometown."

Yoongi laughed. "Don't be so quick to point fingers. Park Jimin is a very common name, plus that case had been closed."

"Well they reopened it. I'd be careful if I were you, Min." Yoongi only rolled his eyes and left without another word, heading straight to Jimin's apartment.

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