Secrets of the Ball -The Curious wife

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Secrets of the Ball -The Curious wife

At the front door, Alexander graciously indicated that Elizabeth should pass him. The butler stood ready with her wrap, and Lizzie went to him rather than allowing Alexander to assist her.

"Come, Lizzie. Let's go perform for the ton." Alexander smiled as he handed her into the carriage.

There had been several hints by his friends that each was looking forward to meeting Lizzie.Although they must have seen her at his wedding , but there had not been sufficient time to interact with her. They were expecting to meet a quiet country mouse . Well they were in shock. Tonight was the first opportunity they would have to do so along with the rest of Society.

Lizzie was lost in her own thoughts .She had decided to start her quest for the truth about Isabelle's death by wearing the ring at the ball. It would be interesting to see if anyone noticed the ring and commented on it. If so, she might begin to pick up a few clues about its previous owner.

She promptly forgot all such thoughts when the carriage pulled up to the long line before the Eastwells' grand home. Light spilled from every window and door, gleaming from the finery worn by the arriving guests.

The noise outside was incredible-clattering carriages, horses, the shrill gay laughter and the loud cheerful voices. It was nothing when compared to the bedlam inside.

The ballroom did not really fall silent as they entered, yet there was a definite startled lull. Then voices madly clamored once again, even more loudly than before.

"What happened? Did someone special come in?" Lizzie had to stand on tiptoe and shout in Alexander's ear.

She was gazing about with delight, torn between looking at the people draped in glamour or the ballroom draped in crystal and gold.

"Yes. You did."

Lizzie dropped abruptly back on her heels. The magnificence of the ballroom began to blur before her eyes. Her hands began to shake. She clenched them more tightly on Alexander's arm. Frozen with anxiety, she did not move when he stepped forward and was almost pulled from her feet. He turned to her, covering her fisted hands with his own.


Stephen slipped between guests to stand with them. His gaze flicked over Lizzie with absent admiration. He leaned closer to Alexander. "Where's your country mouse?"

Releasing her grip on Alexander's arm, Lizzie planted herself before Stephen "Squeak."

Stephen actually jumped. Wide and amazed, his eyes slowly traveled from her face to her hem and back again. Alexander stepped between them with a growl.

"Lizzie, may I introduce my one of my closest friend, Sir Stephen Ball Member Parliament. Stephen, my wife Marchioness Elizabeth Rothsay-and put your bloody eyes back in your head, man. You're making a scene."

Soon they were joined by Nicholas and Eleanor as well. Eleanor who was meeting Elizabeth for the first time , having missed the wedding because of Arabella upon seeing Lizzie she said, "Nicholas has been about as informative as a rock,' she continued, shooting her husband a look of affectionate exasperation. So tell me about your married life ? What do you think of Alexander? Is he always trying to boss over you ?

Anne Silverstone, a young heiress, and a cousin of Eleanor's joined them .

Lizzie had liked both women on sight and it was a fortunate circumstance because Alexander had more or less abandoned her to their company.

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