Chapter 9 The Wounded Bride

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The Wounded Bride

For several minutes Lizzie did not move a muscle . Gradually her heartbeat settled and she assured herself that he would not awaken . The port which he had consumed along with the herbs will ensure that he would sleep till morning .

What had she done ?

Standing beside the bed she tried to think rationally .

She was not certain how much of the night he would remember , but if he realized that he had been drugged , his rage would be magnificent and directed wholly towards her . She shuddered at the thought .

She must make it seem that he had achieved his goal .

She hurried over to the medicine chest . Bess had once explained that there is to be some bleeding after a man makes love to the woman for the first time . Alexander would need confirmation of his triumph . She mixed a reddish concoction using some red leafed herbs and tea . When she was done she eyed the mixture doubtfully . It seemed the right color but it was a little thin . Perhaps it would not matter once the mixture was soaked by the sheet .

She went over the bed and dabbed a few drops of the mixture over the sheet

She wondered just how much blood was expected when a man made love to a virgin

She frowned , deciding to add a few more drops . Her hand shook nervously as she leaned over the bed and a large amount of the fake blood spilled on the bedding

Lizzie wondered if she had overdone it .

Hastily she poured the remainder of the liquid in the tea pot . Then she blew out the candles and laid down on the bed beside her husband .

The stain was quite huge . She would have to sleep on at least a portion of the damp wide spot .



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