You've got everything but I've got nothing here without you.

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"I was a liar, I gave into the fire, I know I should've fought it. At least I'm being honest
Feel like a failure, I know that I failed you. I should've done you better. I know you don't want a liar." Draco looks into Harry's eyes, he hopes that he' understands, he hopes Harry will take him into his arms and tell him he hasn't failed, he's had no choice. He was forced to get the dark mark, he didn't want it. It wasn't his war to fight, and if it was he would want to be on the good side.

"I don't know what to say, Malfoy." The last name breaks Draco's heart, they were dating for gods sake, why call him Malfoy?

"I don't know just say something, anything, I love you, Harry." Draco pleads

"Clearly you don't love me if you're on the side of the person who I have to kill, this is two years of my life you've wasted, I'm out, we're done. Do not floo me or fire call me, just pretend like we were never more than enemies, Malfoy." And before Draco could even utter another word Harry was gone.

Three months later and Draco sees Harry walking around with an old school rival.

And I know,she gives you everything but boy I couldn't give it to you. I know, you've got everything, but I've got nothing here without you.

Draco can feel his heart breaking as Potter and the Weaslette smile and laugh at each other. He wants Harry to be there, he wants him to love him again.

So one last time, he needs to be the one who takes him home, one more time, and he promises himself after that he'll let him go. He knows it's Ginny and not him in his heart, but he just wants to wake up in his arms. One last time.

He doesn't deserve it, he knows he doesn't deserve it.

But he's going to try one last time.

Approaching Harry when Ginny was in a cafe was one of the most nerve racking things he's ever done. He basically runs up to him, Harry has a look of shock spread across his face and he looks like he's about to run. Too late. Draco was already beside him.

"I don't deserve it, I know I don't deserve it, but stay with me a minute. I swear I'll make it worth it. Can't you forgive me at least just temporarily? I know that this is my fault and I know, that you've got everything, but I've got nothing here without you, Harry. So one last time I need to be the one who takes you home. Please just one more time, and I promise after that I'll let you go. I don't really care if you've got her in your heart, all I really care is I wake up in your arms. One last time." Draco looks out of breath and distraught.

Draco can feel the rejection before Harry even says it-which he doesn't, he just sits there jaw slack, maybe he forgot they live in the same city?
Draco knows it's his fault

"Just stay with me a minute I swear I'll make it worth it." Draco asks.

"Okay," Harry breathes, sounding like he's reassuring himself more than trying to give Draco an answer.

The last thing he hears is Harry giving some half-assed excuse as to why he has to leave in a hurry. Then they run, back to Draco's place. They were just a jumble of sheets and skin on skin and Draco knows that he'll never get used to Harry not being there, he doesn't know who else will treat him like that, care for him as much as Harry ever did.

"You know I really missed you, Malfoy." Harry shakes his head.

"I missed you too, Potter." Draco gleams.

He knows Harry has her in his heart, but he gets to wake up in his arms. And maybe this won't be the last time.

I'm sorry this was so poorly written but it took me days to do and I'll have an update of MHP tomorrow I promise. I hope you enjoyed 💞

You've got everything but I've got nothing here without you. Where stories live. Discover now