Killian's fingers brushed hers as he accepted it from her and he took her hand in his. He gave her a reassuring squeeze.

"I'm sure I'll love it, Emma," he smiled. "I didn't even know you'd done anything for me at all, love, so truly, I already love it."

Killian carefully tore the wrapping around the gift nostalgically. The wrapping she'd used was the one that used to hold all the gifts from his childhood until the roll had been stashed into the basement, never to be used again.

Killian scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion as he set aside the wrapping. It was a piece of lined paper.

"Uh... it's on the other side," Emma said timidly, tugging at the sleeves of her sweater.

"Ah," Killian hummed in understanding, and flipped the paper around.

His jaw dropped to the ground.

"You made this?" Killian asked in awe.

Emma nodded shyly, not seeming to understand how amazed he was.

"I know it's not that good and it's not a real gift, I just... I'm sorry, I just wanted to do something," Emma said softly, hiding her face in embarrassment.

Killian watched her in surprise.

"Wha- no, Emma this is incredible!"

She'd drawn him. She'd bloody drawn him from memory, down to the very last detail. Every freckle, the scar on his cheek. Killian smirked to himself as he wondered how she'd managed to draw him from memory alone. Did she spend that much time admiring his face?

The answer was simple: hell yes, she absolutely did. But she would never admit it, or he would never let her live it down.

"Thank you, thank you so much, Emma," Killian said, grinning from ear to ear. Emma's embarrassment morphed into a smile.

"R-Really? You really like it?" Emma asked happily.

"I bloody love it, I've no clue how you're capable of doing this," Killian responded in awe.

"Yeah, well, you better like it, British Boy," Emma laughed lightly in relief. "I spent forever on it."

Killian shook his head again in disbelief. And she'd done it in a matter of a day on a bloody lined paper. He was in awe.

Shaking out of his shock, Killian pulled out the file he'd found for her from behind him. He hadn't bothered wrapping it. He figured what was inside would to be enough surprises already.

Emma accepted it with a confused expression and flipped the file open. For a moment she simply stared at the page, seeming to be confused. But then her mouth fell open in understanding and her hand flew up to cover it. She glanced up and met Killian's eyes tearily.

"Is this what I think it is?" Emma breathed.

Killian offered her a small smile and a nod.


Emma's lip trembled slightly. For year after year after year, all she wanted was to hold this file in her hand, and now that she had it, she had no idea how to act.

"H-how?" Emma stuttered in shock.

"I have my means and ways," Killian replied gently.

A tear slipped down Emma's cheek as she gingerly skimmer through the pages. Every article with any mention of her, her first medical exam, personal information, it was all there. She'd go through it more thoroughly later because right now, she had something more important to do

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