J: surprise number two.

B: how many surprises are there.

J: that's a surprise to.


I was quiet for a few more minutes and then we got our massage. we put our robes back on and went to get dressed after that I got a manicure and a pedicure. then we got back in the car. Jay whispered to Julius where we were off to next.

we drove and we drove and we drove until we got to this restaurant.. I guess it was time for lunch..we walked in and there was one table available with food already on it. I hope it wasn't cold. when I sat down and a guy came out and spoke

Guy: hello and welcome to Gellio my name is Paul and I will be taking care of you today. in front of you for the lady you have a shrimp pasta with bow tie pasta and a Alfredo sauce and for the gentlemen you have a Burger with a side of fries . please enjoy and if you need and thing holla.

I laughed at his last comment. I ate and it was damn good. once we got done eating Jay said something

J: you want desert

B: sure

J: what you want

B: do they have chocolate cake

J: Yea

he got on his phone and did something and ten minutes later my chocolate cake. me and Jay fed each other and sat there and talked and laughed for about 30 minutes

after that we got back in the car and we could keep our hands off each other.

B: mmm Jay... where we going now.

J: surprise number 3. I'm not going to give you my surprises so stop asking. *laughing*

B: okay

J: we are here

B:.*looking out the window* OMG WE ARE AT THE FAIR...!!!

J: *laughing*

I jumped out the car and ran to the first ride I seen which was a haunted house.

once Jay finally got out the car I was already in line. he so slow.

B: come on boy

J: I'm coming

we got in the cart and I was scared to death. there were spiders and snakes and skulls everywhere. then something jumped out at us. I screamed and put my head on Jay chest. he laughed.

B: that's not fun- *screams* get me out of here *not looking*

J: it's almost done Bey calm down.

we got done with that and we went to the ferris wheel. when we got to the top we kissed and took a picture that look at over New York..

we got to the bottom and we got some cotton candy and popcorn and ate it on the way to the car.

we got to the car and took off.. we got to a place that look familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

J: stay here I will be right back.

B: okay.

10 minutes later he came back with Nothing.

B: what did you get

J: nosey *mumbles*

B: what..

J: nothing

B: then why did you go in there.

J: Julius you know where to next right

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