Chapter 15:Quiet Observation

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Karasuma's 3rd p.o.v.~~~

It's been a few months now since Nathalie had joined Class 3-E and had become an official teacher in the class.

Karasuma,the other teachers and the students could't quite believe that she's still the second greatest assassin and hitman(hitwoman in her case of course).

With her usual mischievious and playful attitude,no one would really suspect her as the Phantom Assassin.

Whether if it is just a mask that she wears to hide her real self,they do not know;it really was hard to predict what she would do all the time.

She was unpredictable;another good trait that she had because she always manages to catch her target or enemies off guard.

Nathalie had a presence that no one could detect,unless she made herself known on purpose or if someone was really good at observing.

Hence the reason why Karma was able to sense her and spot her even if she had a very low presence;he was a very good observer after all.

Nagisa was the same as Karma too...but unfortunately,he was very occupied in observing Koro-sensei for more weaknesses then.

The others were alright...they can be all be observant if they want.

Karasuma sighed as he watched the students try to assassinate Koro-sensei.

His mouth frowned slightly.

'Another failed attempt of assassination...where's Nathalie when you need her?She's an assassin,so I am sure that they will be able to have a bigger chance of assassinating that d*** tako.' He thought,a bit annoyed that she wasn't there.

It's been a week now...where could she be?

All she said was that a friend called her and that it was an emergency.

...After that,she disappeared.

From what Karasuma could see(and from his and Nagisa's observation),the bluenette seemed to be always looking out for something.

Or rather...someone.

It was a bit hard to see at first,but eventually they noticed it when Koro-sensei pointed it out.

The way her eyes would suddenly turn sharp and alert at random times,and then she would glance at a certain spots or an area and stare(glare)at it briefly,before she looked away.

Even the way Nathalie's hands would if she was restraining herself from throwing a sharp object on impulse.

Karasuma wouldn't admit it,but he was getting really worried.

Just three days ago,he received a call from her saying that she was coming back...and that she was injured.

What and who could possibly injure her?

No,wrong question.The question was....why?

Why would someone target her?

Yes,Karasuma knew that as the second greatest hitman(woman),she would have a lot of enemies and people after her head.

...But none of them had been able to harm her.

So...who was it?Why did they suddenly attack an alliance famiglia who were nothing but a large gathering of a vigilante(Some of them.Most of them are mafiosi.)groups.

(Yes,Nathalie told him.Despite the two not getting along a bit,the two ended up having a weird relationship of sorts.)

Karasuma sighed.

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