Before Nathalie Went To Japan

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No one's p.o.v.~~~

A certain bluenette woman was sitting on one of the chairs in an airplane.

She was in the A Class one.

She looked out the window to see how far she was before landing.

'Yosh.Almost there!Estimated landing will be in an hour or so.' She thought.

She was smart,beautiful,kind,and a bit....random at times.

On some occasions,she can also be pretty 'stupid', 'dense', or 'dumb',as her friends so call it.

She showed more of her....ah...boyish or male side than a girl or female side.

But of course,she might change in the far future,right?

Who knows....

The bluenette sighed before yawning tiredly.

'Man...travelling from America to Japan sure is tiring!I feel sooo tired~!' She thought to herself.

Then she yawned again.

"Maa...why does it take so long to land?"


"Yaaaaahoooo!Konnichiwa,Japan!!!(Hello,Japan!)I'm baaaack~!" A certain bluenette woman yelled.

She then fist pumped the air as she jumped,before kissing the floor.

"Oh,how I missed you,Floor!Its been days since I last saw and stepped on you!" She dramatically cried out in her more dominant language, Japanese.

The people in the airport were beginning to give her strange looks;they were probably thinking that she was insane or what.

"What'cha lookin' at,huh punk?!Ya' wanna go,man?I wanna go!C'mon,let's do this!Come at me!" She challenged with a scowl,readying her fists as she said this all in Japanese.

The people who had been either staring,looking,or was simply giving her strange looks,cowered in fear.

The stoic ones in the crowds could only sweatdrop at her reaction.

The lazy ones in the crowds only gave her unimpressed looks.

And the the majority...well...they ran away in fear.

"Yeah...thought so!Don't come back,ya cowards!" She yelled in Japanese.


The earphone on her ear buzzed.

Static can be heard on the other side as a familiar voice spoke.

"Oi,'re being too loud.Why are you trying to start a fight with civilians?Are you an idiot,or what?" The voice in her personal intercom said.

"Damere,Shiatsu!" The bluenette shot back the male who owned the voice.

The voice,or person on the other side of whatever device that he has,sighed.


Another voice had joined the group.

"Can you please focus on the mission?We're getting sidetracked..." Another voice joined.

"Yeah,yeah,whatever.What was the mission again,Yoruoshi?" The bluenette asked the second male voice.

Static was heard again as yet another one joined.

"The government has asked us for help.They said that you will be a teacher in an elite school of some sort."Another replied.

It was a female's.

"Thanks,Ayumi.What kind of elite school though?There's a lot of 'em here..." The bluenette asked,her eyebrows furrowed in thought as she called a taxi.

"Kunigigaoka Junior High School." Answered yet another voice,named Ari.

"Ooh!That school!That's where my nephew studies!Well....'nephews',that is." She exclaimed, looking out the scenery outside the taxi windows.

"Er,I don't know what you're talking about,but our target is said to be a tako that will be a teacher in one of the classed there,nya!" Anya exclaimed.

Nathalie sweatdropped.

'Eh?Nani?'Tako'?!' She thought,confused.

"More specifically,it is the monster or creature that has destroyed 70% of the moon." Amaya added in a monotone.

"Hoh~?Hontoni...?Interesting...." The bluenette muttered in English.

"Maa!Arigatou,minna-san!(Well!Thanks,everyone!)I must go now...I still have a lot of things to do." She continued to talk in English,although this time she said it aloud to her other chat mates.

"Oh.Ja ne!/Ja~/Ja ne,nya!/Hmp." Was the others reply before the communication device went dead.

"Well....I guess I should be paying attention to my surroundings then,huh." She muttered to herself again.

She looked up in time to see the Shiotas' home and house.

She chuckled to herself.

"Hisashiburi,Japan...minna...." She smiled.


"Neh,Onee-san~!" She drawled as she tried to get her big stepsister's attention.

Hiromi ignored her and went about on her way.

"Aw~!Such a meanie!Still ignoring me for all this years!You rarely pay attention to me anymore!I know that you're jealous of my sexiness,but you gotta move on,ya know~?" She teased.

Her sister still ignored her.

"Aw man~!Fine.Be that way.I will later tell the god of marshmallows,gum drops,and all delicious candies to curse you for being rude!" She pouted.

Yet again,she was still ignored.

"Eh.Okay then.I'll leave you alone then.Imma go and fetch Nagi-chan~!"

This caught Hiromi's attention;but before she could open her mouth to finally talk to her,the bluenette had already disappeared from her line of sight.

"Ja ne~!" She yelled a farewell to her older sister.

Hiromi sighed.

Maybe it was a bad idea for ignoring her for these past few years....


Meanwhile,with Nathalie...

"Ah!I have returned!" She yelled as she got to the school while she rode her motor bike.

She smirked.

Time sure does fly.

The rest of the story is already known to you.

This was where the beginning was...


Ciaossu~!Gomene for the very,late update!It was suppose to be published two weeks ago.However, school has come between my works.I will try to update and all...even though it will be hard.Meh.Anyways,I need to go!I still have my homework assignments to do!Arriverdercci!(Good bye!)

P.S.:Btw,the last word was Italian.

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