Chapter 8:Nathalie's Friends(Part 2)

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('re probably wondering what I look like,right?I'm still not gonna show my face though...but maybe I can show you what I look like as an animated character? XD This is me,btw!Except I have black hair with small bit of blue tints;and my eyes is dark brown instead of blue.Its true that my eyes are like that((as an animated character))and I have a very white skin.My mom said that its nice because my skin if soft and smooth unlike others!((Not that I'm bragging or anything!)) Also,if you are to make this animated character of me as,then you'll see that I'm chinky eyed.)

~~~No one's p.o.v.~~~

Nathalie perked up when she heard the familiar names and voices.

"Eh?!Minna-san?!What are you doing here?!" She demanded.

"Well...." They said.


"It was Leader-sama's orders." Amaya said in a bland tone.

Riveria,who had been standing right beside the AI blinked,before giving the AI a deadpan look.

"Ne,ne....did Amaya-san just sound like someone from the Akatsuki in Akatsuki no Yona,nya?" Anya whispered loudly to Riveria who nodded.

Yoruoshi sweatdropped.

"Ettou,(Um,)I'm pretty sure that it was Naruto and not Akatsuki no Yona.Those animes are different from each other despite both having the word 'Akatsuki'." He helpfully pointed out.

Shiatsu rolled his eyes and just yawned in response.

Both men and women were ignored by Amaya and Nathalie.

Nathalie felt her right eye twitch in annoyance.

"Haaaah?!Why didn't that aho-leader tell me about you guys coming here?!" She scowled,her brows furrowing in thought.

Back to the other four.

Riveria who had almost stayed silent since the very beginning,shook her head in amusement.

"She never changes,does she." She said,more of a statement than a question.

"Mm.Disrespectful as always." Yoruoshi replied with a sigh.

"Eh~?Hontoni,nya?!" Anya exclaimed.

She was a bit of a new member that Nathalie herself,had taken in just two years ago.

"Hai~!Rarely does she respect someone....unless she had taken a liking to that person or had simply been with them for a long time." Shiatsu lazily said with a yawn.

"Quit being such a lazy slot,nya!" Anya scolded when she noticed him being lazy.

Shiatsu merely gave her a glance before he glanced away,saying,

"No can do,runt." He mockingly,but lazily replied.

"Waaaa-?!How dare you,nya!I will demolish you,nya!" She growled as she got ready to pounce on him but was held back by the ravenet.

"Let me go,nya!" She scowled.

The ravenet bent down to her level to squish and pull at her cheeks.

"You're so cute when you're angry." Shiatsu cooed(He was sincere.He's always sincere and honest.)to the neko.

The white haired woman blushed a dark red color.

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