Chapter 11:The Danger Approaches

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Ren_Hakuei: See?!Aren't they hot?!I wasn't able to add Reborn though...


No one's p.o.v.~~~

After the private conversation that Nathalie and Karasuma had,the bluenette never brought the subject up again and even acted like nothing had happened.

Truth be told,Karasuma was bothered by what she said.

It was as if it was a warning of sorts.

The ravenet,who had been looking out window,shooked his head at the idea.

There's no way that something like what she said would come true.

....But....he couldn't shake the memory of her serious face and the tone of her voice.

'Was she really not playing around?She sounded so...dead serious.' He thought to himself.

"Why?Why do I get the feeling that she might do something that I might not like?" He muttered.

He placed his chin on his desk,on top of his paperworks, and sighed.

Karasuma couldn't really shake off the feeling that danger was approaching.....


He hoped that whatever it is,Nathalie wouldn't do it.


"Minna-san~!Ittekimasu!(Everyone ~!I'll be going~!)" The bluenette yelled back,shouldering her bag.

"Hai,Nathalie-sensei~!" Her students replied.

Nathalie smiled.

Oh,how happy she was to be one of the teachers of 3-E Class!

The bluenette was just walking back towards her home when she got a call.

"Oh,moshi moshi?" Nathalie answered.

She wasn't paying much attention to surroundings then...until she saw someone following her.

She narrowed her sky blue eyes,before she slipped into the shadows,heading towards an alley.

Then she turned to face her stalker.

"...Lovro.Cosa stai facendo qui?(...Lovro.What are you doing here?)" Nathalie asked.

The male had a grim look on his face.

"Nathalie...sono qui.(Nathalie...they are here.)" Lovro replied.

The bluenette's eyes widened before it returned to normal;she turned her head to look off the side.

"Tsk. This is too soon...what if I won't be able to protect them?" She said,her bangs shadowing her eyes as she gritted her teeth in anger.

"..." The ravenet watched her and stayed silent,making no move of o answer her or anything.

Nathalie sighed tiredly,massaging her temples.

She looked back at Lovro,offering a small smile to him.

"Lovro...arigatou..." She gratefully said in a soft tone.

"Don't sweat it,kid.Anytime...I owe you one,anyways..." The man huffed,blushing lightly at the 'thank you'.

The two leaned on the wall,opposite of each other.

Can I Love Again?Karasuma x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now