Chapter 14:The Past

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(Btw,they're ten year olds here--or maybe,just in Nathalie's case--except for Karasuma,of course.Sorry that it took me a long time to update despite telling you that it's now summer vacation in my country and when I told you that I'll try to update as much as possible!)




"Oooiii!Karasuma-chan,what'cha doin'?" A bluenette boredly drawled out.

A ravenet sighed.

"What do you want,Nathalie?And I told you to stop calling me that!" He groaned in exasperation.

"Eeeh~?Calling you what?Is there something wrong,Ka-ra-su-ma-chaaan~?" Nathalie,the mischivious bluenette,smirked.

An anime vein popped up on his temple.

"Nathalie....if you don't shut up,I'll strangle you." Karasuma growled at her.

Nathalie just laughed it off.

"Pfft!As if you can do that!With that height of yours,I'm afraid that you will fail." She replied in a mocking tone.

Karasuma stood up,glowering at her and trying to glare down at her.

Which he failed to do so since he was much shorter than her.

"Oi!If you're just going to distract me from doing my homework, then get out of my room.You're not helping with the project at all..."  He huffed, turning his back on her.

The bluenette pouted.

"Demo,Karasuma-chan~!All we do is 'homework this' and 'homework that'!It's good to take a break once in a while!"

Another anime vein popped on his temple.

"Another word from you,and I will seriously strangle you."

Nathalie gasped dramatically.

"How rude!Talking to your bestfriend like that!Ever heard of 'thinking of someone else's feelings'?"

The ravenet snorted,before giving her a solid thwack on the head.

"Ow!You chibi!What was that for?!"

"Duh.To make you shut up,of course!And who the heck are you calling 'bestfriend'?!You're not my bestfriend;you're not even my friend!" He growled,his right eye twitching in annoyance.

"That's so mean,Karasuma-chan~!" She sniffled.

Nathalie began to cry.

"I only wanted to make you happy!Karasuma-chan looked so sad for the past free days now...!" She sobbed.

Nathalie was a sensitive child when she was very young.

Karasuma began to panic.

"O-oi!D-don't cry!I didn't mean to be that mean to you--ah!" He panicked,trying to calm her down.

Because he had no choice and didn't know what to do,he grabbed her arms and pulled her into a hug,wrapping his arms around her.

"S-sssh!D-don't cry anymore!I didn't mean to make you cry and be mean to you!" He panicked.

Can I Love Again?Karasuma x Reader FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang